End of season refelctions

The summer of 2015 is awesomely reflected In the words of our Dream Team 2015 Counselors and staff.

I love working at Runoia. It really is a truly amazing thing that happens. I get the opportunity to make lasting friendships with amazing people, to pass on skills that I value very highly to a group of fantastic girls, and build my leadership skills more than I could at just about any other job. To the director team, thank you for giving me the opportunity to have two of the best summers of my life and for supporting me!

ALleePersonally, there were many highlights of the summer. I enjoyed watching the bond between everyone grow and it definitely showed during campfire and EP. Not only did I create bonds with campers, but I created friendships with the staff that I will hopefully stay in touch with! Seeing the kids improve in their skills and to be excited about trying something new was rewarding. It felt good to see the results of your hard work.

I loved every trip I went on. The Katahdin and Saddleback trips stood out as my favorite.

There are too many highlights to mention them all. I love Runoia because of the amazing experience it provides girls from all over the world. The biggest challenge for me was saying goodbye to campers and staff alike.

JuliaThe highlights were all of the experiences I had with teaching the girls. It was so rewarding to have a girl come back to my activity and remind me of something I had told her or be able to do something without needing to be reminded. Seeing their smiling faces everyday was always amazing too.

I just want to say that this summer at Runoia was the best summer of my life and I am so thankful to be a part of the Runoia Dream Team!

staffWe couldn’t have said it any better.

Thanks to our amazing ‘Dream Team’ staff! We hope to see you all in 2016.

And When You Get Back Home Again…

“You get a strange feeling when you leave a place, like you’ll not only miss they people you love, but you miss the person you are at this time and place because you’ll never be this way ever again”-Azar Nafasi

Three weeks have come and gone, since we bid farewell to each other and our place.  Our place is Camp Runoia.  At camp we are the best possible “us” that we can be.  We are safe, we are encouraged and we are organically just ourselves.  The friendships we formed at camp are unique.  They are extraordinary relationships.

The Bittersweet End of Camp Cotillion
The Bittersweet End of Camp Cotillion

I recently traveled to California and was with friends and family who I had not seen in years.  We talked a lot about camp.  My uncle and cousins said at one point “ We get it.  We are camp people.”  Until you have been to camp, until camp has defined who you are, you cannot totally comprehend the degree of depth that overnight camp has on an individual.

Jumping off the Dragon Fly to Zip and Soar
The Dragon Fly to Zip and Soar

And now the sun sets earlier, September is upon us.  This fall brings anew for us all.  New school year, new teachers, some have new homes and communities.  But we have our best self, stashed inside.  Like a treasure in our pocket, we can bring our inner strength and our inner sunshine to this new season and these new experiences.  We will never be the same again, we grow and we change and with that is the hope that we are our best selves because in part of who we became at camp.  At our Camp Runoia…our home away from home.

I find that I take myself home, to Camp Runoia, almost daily.  I hum along to songs and think about the sound of the lake and the green of the giant ferns.

Each Campfire Lights Anew
Each Campfire Lights Anew

“…Dip, dip and swing them back…Flashing with silver…follow the wild goose flight…dip, dip and swing…” — Hum along through the changing seasons … and be your best self on whatever adventure this fall brings.

Kyleigh – Camp Runoia Associate Director

What Camp Means to Me

Camp Runoia has helped make me who I am today. Runoia has taught me many life lessons, 
especially how to adjust to change in my life. Before camp, I had never been away from my parents.  
Although it was extremely hard for me being away from my family my first year, 
Pam and the staff handled themselves great, always being there for me when I was feeling homesick.  
The second and third year, I had a fantastic time, and had started to learn how to adjust 
to the change of not being with my family. Now, fast forward to college.  
I am from Pennsylvania and because Camp Runoia taught me to be an independent woman, 
I was able to go to the University of Maine.  Here at the University of Maine, 
I met my now fiancé, John and are now settling in the Portland, Maine region.  
I would never have been able to go to college far away from my parents, if I had not been to Runoia.  
Camp Runoia has helped me become a strong independent woman. I am so grateful for my time at Runoia, 
and feel that sending me to Runoia was the greatest gift they ever gave me, for at Runoia 
I learned so many life lessons. I really believe I would not have the life I have today 
without Camp Runoia. 

Anastasia Kerner

Meri Wicks on the Value of Summer Camp

Why Camp?

How many of you went to camp when you were younger? What did you do? Who did you meet? Or maybe, what did you learn? Now imagine if you didn’t have those amazing summers filled these opportunities.

I attended an all girls summer camp in Belgrade Lakes, Maine for 8 years as a camper. In less than a month I will be heading back to Camp Runoia for my third year as a counselor for a total of 11 summers overall. Camp had an extreme impact on my life and I can see it having the same impact on my younger campers.

Will your child go to camp? I hope to persuade all of you to understand that kids need camp even more than before to receive a sense of independence connecting with nature, and learning life long skills in a safe and kid friendly environment that can really help them thrive and succeed in their lives.

Unlike in the school setting where we had to learn what was mandatory and what was required to pass. Camp gave some of us our first taste of independence. Camp allows kids to choose activities they want to do. I remember I had a huge passion for sailing. While I know my mom would have wanted me to kayak all day or go on hikes, I choose to sail everyday. From a radio podcast done by CNN by a senior executive producer Michael Schuler, Schuler spoke with a summer camp advocate, physiologist and school consultant Michael Thompson about summer camps. Thompson explained camp as, “the closet thing to Hogwarts that kids are likely to get.  All of children’s literature knows that the adventures only begin when you’re away from your parents. Every great children’s story is driven by the child being away from parents, experiencing things on their own.” Later in the podcast, Thompson summarizers how kids gain independence and how camp can be the place to start that journey to independence he says, “Your parent has to open the door and let you walk out and find independence, experience it and become comfortable with it.” Camp gives you theses independence experiences from even a young age and can help you when you start looking for colleges or majors you want to study. Because at camp you became comfortable with your independence you can have a better idea of maybe what you want and what you think is best.

What if 20 years done the road no one talked face to face? Scary to think about, right? Today we already see it on a smaller scale. Look around. People are on their phones at restaurants instead of having small talk with the person across from them, or even at parties where it’s almost all about face-to-face communication. There is always a group of people sitting in the corner head knocked over and thumbs raptly going across the keyboard saying things like “I’m bored.” Of course you’re bored, you’re looking at a screen with pictures while a fun night is passing you by.

More and more kids are using social media and cellphones then ever before. In a survey done in 2012 by ORC International for the National Consumers League or (NCL) which is the nation’s oldest consumer organization. It shows that 10-11 age ranges is a “sweet spot” for pre-teens to receive a cell phone. Six out of 10 pre- teens were aged from 10-11 and then twenty percent of 8-9 year olds and 15% of 12 year olds received a cell phone. These age ranges are the same age of the girls I have camp and the percentages, we can assume jut keep going up each year. They use texting as a “cool thing” to do. They will text each other when they are right across from each other and think its funny. But this can become a potential problem. They use texting and the Internet as an alternative way to talk and they have developed poor communication skills because of it.

Camp allows these youngsters to unplug and reconnect with the nature and the world around them. At camps they don’t have access to cell phones or computers or any other technology really. This makes them talk face to face and realize that connections are the most personal when they are in the present moment. Countless times I remember girls coming in the first day practically crying when they gave their phones away thinking how will they survive? A few days into camp they realize they don’t need a phone to be complete. They have already made friends but just talking and having real time conversations. Camp is really the only place left that can do that.

At camp kids learn in a setting that is safe and nurturing. According to the ACA, parents trust camps because first and foremost they are kid centered places. What a camp does is all for a child. And camps make each camper feel special. While everything that goes on in the world especially with the increased social pressures kids have been burdened with, camp is a place to relieve them of these burdens. They can have a place to just be themselves. So that kid that didn’t have many friends at home because maybe his/her family isn’t as wealthy or maybe they are bullied at home because they are too short, too tall. Camp is a place that those kids can have a chance to grow. Camp can also helps kids succeed in something other than academics. Personally, I was not what people call an “excellent” student growing up, however, none of that mattered when I got to camp. I was passing leveling in archery, learning how to ride horses, and learning how to work well with others in a team. Camp did not judge me based on my school grades or based on anything for that matter. At camp kids can be whomever they want, and most of them choose to just be themselves for a change, and not have to worry about what they might be at home.

Recently, I asked my mom why she sent me to camp when it can cost a great deal to some. She said, “The cost didn’t matter to her. The cost was worth the experiences I got out of it. She knew I was having fun, and I looked forward to it each year. I made friends and each year, I’d come home more mature, and more knowledgeable about others and myself around me. That was something you couldn’t put a price tag on.” Going to summer camp has been a tradition in my family and others as well. I want to be able to send my children to camp in the future so they too can have these amazing opportunities and experiences. My fear though, is if parents do not understand that kids cannot learn everything in school and they need to have these outside encounters and have a chance to grow in a new environment. I hope this has persuaded all of you to understand how vital camp is to a child’s development and see how important that these kids have the chances to learn in new and unfamiliar environments.


What is a #runoiagal?

By Kyleigh

A #Runoiagal – She is adventurous, but cautious.  She is intelligent and she is full of inquisition.  She loves to laugh.  She likes to explore.  She appreciates herself.  She cares for the world and her family and friends.

In just a few short weeks, we are going to welcome “home” many experienced Runoia Gals and many new.

Together we will make magic happen!

Magic Sunset
Magic Sunset

Here is a poem written from one of the youngest campers this year at Runoia.  She is beyond excited to come to camp and meet new friends, try new activities, gain autonomy in her physical and emotional abilities.  And she is beyond excited to smell the moss and kiss the horses!

I thought I saw nothing…

But it might have been something.

I saw something blue,

But it could also be black

With big white clouds

All the blue connects

Big Beautiful sky!

Where birds fly everyday

I thought I saw nothing…

but it might have been something.

Trees swaying in the wind

The wind smells like the moss and flowers

I am the forest!

Big beautiful forest!

Where birds rest in nests every day.

 baby birds  Here is to all the Runoia Gals that ever have been and ever will be!

Magic Chairs
Magic Chairs





Fairies are for Real

Imagine yourself eight years old; you are at sleepaway camp, far far far from your family. You are taking in the fun and action that happens day-in day-out at camp.

One day, as you merrily cruise along in your eight year old world, you are invited to go camping to “Fairy Ring”.  Wait, it gets better. Not only do you get to camp at Fairy Ring, you get to have magical s’mores (AKA dessert before dinner) and you spend part of your afternoon building fairy houses for the fairies of Fairy Ring.

S'mores for Supper?!
S’mores for Supper?!

Consider your eight year old mind fathoming a camp out where the fairies actually live? When said fairies come to visit before bedtime, you can hardly believe your eyes. Flitting between tall pines and the evening dusk, a movement, a glow, a fairy appears!

Fairies Flitting for Fairy Ring
Fairies Flitting for Fairy Ring

The very next morning, when you wake up, the fairies have left you with your very own fairy rock painted in bright colors and glittery-gold.

This tradition at Camp Runoia has been going on since the beginning of time!

A journey to camp

Is it a torch or a flashlight?

Perhaps the greatest adventure of my life was my first trip to the US.  I had just finished my second year of college and having spent the previous summer living back at home and working retail full time had I was in search of a different opportunity.  Luckily my college was  a big early proponent of ‘abroad’ experiences and the being a ‘camp counselor at American summer camp’ was a popular choice for sports science majors.

AJ 1995I have vivid memories of the planning, packing and journey.  Remember this was back in the dark ages before the internet so I had little clue what the place looked like and had honestly never heard of Maine!  My entire knowledge of American culture had been absorbed from the limited US TV shows on British television.  It was likely some combination of ‘Fame’ and ‘Starskey and Hutch’! This was also before the time of the super Walmart and I thought I needed to pack every item I could possibly need for the next 3 months in my human sized backpack it never dawned on me I could shop when I got there!

I was giddy with enthusiasm, met a random girl who was working at the same camp at the airport and headed out into the wide blue yonder.

What a trip it has been! While I have traveled to many countries and had many experiences that trip to the US was truly a life changer.

AJ office (2)Now over 20 years later summer camp has become my career, the journey has taken many twists and turns and I have met so many amazing and interesting people along the way.  I could never have imagined that I would have ended up living and raising my children in Maine.

Having the courage to take the first step of the journey can lead you to places you never imagined. Be daring and go for it.




Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.

Recycling with Betty

This new year, as I am trying to reduce excess material goods in my life, I fondly remember my first couple of summers at Runoia.  It was the mid 90’s and the environmental movement hadn’t really hit yet.  Well it hadn’t hit the rest of the country but it was alive and well with its roots in the Runoia trash house. Reduce, reuse, recycle was already the mantra and Betty Cobb its biggest proponent.

Betty_00There was no dumpster at camp back in those days and all the trash had to be hauled to the Belgrade transfer station.  As you can imagine at Runoia there were awesome systems in place even for trash management.  There was a compacter in the back of the kitchen.  I had never seen one before and to be honest the noises it made terrified me a little but it magically turned a large bag of garbage into a small square foot of squashed matter. Paper products were burned after the Saturday night cookouts (not really best practice these days).  Cups and plates were always stacked (and still are) to take up less room in the trash. Everything that could be reused or recycled was.

Betty was often found ensuring that the actual trash did not contain any recyclable items.  Her goal was not to terrify people into carrying their entire trash pile home with them but to educate us about the need to protect the earth’s resources.  She would often say that she was not doing it for herself but for the children as they would be the ones that would inherit the problems.

green-recycling-iconI am grateful for the lessons I learned even if I was called out in assembly because Betty had found an envelope with my name on it in the trash not the recycle! Sadly Betty’s concerns are now ringing true as we see the impact a lack of attention to resource management is having on our earth’s future.  I hope that the Runoia community will long continue to promote environmentally good practices and that it will become a life skill that our girls take home with them.

Make a difference in your home and community, just recycling is no longer enough what else can you do?

“If every household in the U.S. used just one less 70-sheet roll of paper towels, which would save 544,000 trees each year. If every household in the U.S. used three less rolls per year, it would save 120,000 tons of waste and $4.1 million in landfill dumping fees.” (From the Paperless Project). 




Read or watch the The Lorax with your kids it’s a great visual reminder!

Camp is a gift

All my kids really wanted for the holidays this year was to see their grandparents and get to play with their cousins.  A sweet and apparently simple request unless of course all of those family members that you love happen to live 3000 miles away in another country!

The week before Thanksgiving I surprised them with the news that we would be leaving to spend ten days across the pond.  While the thought of a red eye to England alone with 2 small children was a little daunting and the cost of plane tickets blew our holiday budget it seemed like the perfect gift for everyone. With just a few tears as we waited for our late night connection in Philly we made it to an overjoyed Gran and Granddad.  The smiles on everyone’s face walking out of customs into the arms of the people you have been longing to see every day for the past 8 months was definitely worth the night of the no sleep and could never have a monetary value.

Blackpool-1Making memories that will last a life time, forging connections and building relationships has far more value than the store bought toys that soon lie forgotten or are looked over when the next fad comes along.

Camp provides children with a chance to build life skills and develop relationships away from home in a place where they are truly cherished and that they come to love.  To those parents that gift camp to their kids for the Holidays while they may wish they had more wrapped gifts thank you! you are truly giving them the gift of new opportunities and lifetime memories that they can treasure forever.

last night

Fall Is Here

Fall is well and truly here. The colder mornings, the blue skies and sunshine with a touch of crisp air, being able to layer and wear your favourite scarf, all clear signs of fall. I am sure everyone has now got acquainted with their post-summer schedule. It may be, being back at school, going to XC practice, soccer practice, dance classes, back to your musical instrument lessons, being back at work the list goes on.

At camp as you can see the leaves are starting to turn and slowly starting to fall. Take a minute this week and have a look around you at the foliage evolving as the season goes on. Now that the school routine is back in full swing you may be reminiscing about the fun times you had at Runoia during the summer. Remember to check out the slideshow of memories on You Tube. Also we want to know what you are up to, 5k races, soccer games,concerts, hanging out anything fun.

Keep an eye out here, our Facebook page and Twitter page about upcoming chances to re-connect with the Runoia community. This may look like, but not limited to; 5k races, Apple picking, Pumpkin patch visit, Bowling night, Winter Ski weekend and more. If you have any suggestions please let us know.

I found this fun pumpkin pie smoothie recipe for the fall season. Click the picture to see more, try it and let us know what you think.