Camp Was My Hogwarts – Guest Blog by Jamie Cluchey

jamie-and-josieThis afternoon, I was doing some pre-winter organizing and came across my “camp box” in the basement. This box — full of letters from camp friends, letters that my mom saved from my camper days, special crafts, and the best childhood memories any girl could hope for — is literally busting at the seams. Over the course of 4 housing moves in the last 10 years, I’ve tossed old school memorabilia, clothes, and so much of the other “stuff” that accumulates over the course of a childhood. But this box has stayed with me. Each time I’ve packed my things, I’ve stumbled on this box and thought about how much fun it will be for my future children to sort through these memories when they’re about to embark on their own camping experiences. I still remember rainy days spent with my mom, reading through her old Runoia autograph books, singing from her song book, and hearing stories inspired by the pictures and notes that she keeps close to her heart.

My love of camp started young…possibly in utero. I was raised on camp songs and attempts to re-create the perfect congo bar. When I first read Harry Potter, I completely related to how he felt when he found out that he was going to Hogwarts, because that is exactly how I felt when I learned it was time for me to start camp. Camp was my Hogwarts. And, honestly, it still is. I’ve been to many camps during the last 20 years, and have worn many hats. I suppose there must be something in that box from every one of those camp experiences. But 18 months ago, I put on a new camp hat — that of a future camp parent.

I had a daughter. This little girl, full of spunk and sass and an independent spirit, has given me such a new perspective on the importance of camp. I can’t wait for Josie to go to camp (granted, right now going away for a weekend gives me angst, so there’s some growth on both our parts that needs to happen in the next 7 or 8 years). I can’t wait for her to live on her own in a cabin with friends, to learn new activities, to develop her leadership, communication, collaboration, problem solving skills. But most of all? I can’t wait for her to have counselors in her life. These young women, still developing their own beliefs and life paths, are truly what makes the camp world go ‘round. I can tell you first hand that 90% of the people I still, to this day (at 33 and 11/12 years old), want to be like when I grow up are my camp counselors. The exhilarating feeling when a former counselor likes my post about parenting — I feel so (possibly unreasonably) proud to know that they think I’m doing a good job!

A week or two ago, I was on social media and came across a conversation between two veteran Runoia counselors. They were talking about current events, and clearly both felt great passion about the subject. I’m not sure that I can even pinpoint what it was about their discussion — the respectful tones they used, their ability to truly “listen” to each other and respond in a way that honored the observations of the other, or just the fact that these intelligent, strong, thoughtful young women were empowered enough to share their views in a public forum — whatever the reason, this conversation brought tears to my eyes. The thought of my daughter one day developing relationships with role models just like these two incredible women…there is truly nothing greater I could ever wish for my girl.

As her mom, it is my responsibility to prepare Josie as best I can to face all of the good and bad that life throws her way. I cannot think of a better way to arm a young girl to tackle the world than to surround her with the strong, positive, spirited role models that she will find in her counselors at camp. So the box remains in the basement because one day it will be very fun to look through it with my daughter. But the memories? The hundreds of relationships that have endured? I keep them right with me. And I can’t wait for the day that my daughter will be able to go to camp and create her own.

Thanks Alumna, Jamie Cluchey, for being our guest blogger this week! If you would like to share your Runoia experiences, memories or writing, please go to our alumnae page: and scroll to the bottom and click on the email to contact our editor, Aionur!

Filling the Holiday with Less – Runoia Ideas

Ah! Those days of unplugged summer are 6 months behind or ahead of us as we are deep in the busy holiday season.

Merry. Joyful. Happy.

Sometime it’s hard to muster the thought!

As we race around trying to “get ‘er done” and “just survive” here are some ideas for getting more out of less. From child centered events that make the holiday season special to mindfulness exercises for children, organize and take a moment to have a merrier time. Also, let’s realize adults aren’t the only ones that get stressed. The mindfulness exercises and/or body scans for children are a great way to help children decompress and allow them to enjoy what they have rather than wishing for what they don’t have!

Among the many parenting blogs, has a decent list of holiday events from Channuka to Christmas. Go to and choose “By Area”. Not to stress you out, lol, but tree lightings are happening around the US in the next few days. For example, here’s Westchester area listings:

Before and after you plan your excursions, craft projects, secret gifting and more holiday fun, spend some time on the Mindful site at There are simple and fabulous ideas for winding down to get more enjoyment and civility (!) among siblings and in the family:

and specifically try a body scan:

So! Learn from Runoia’s #lifelongskills and be like a #runoiagal:

Relax, Plan and Enjoy

Warm wishes as the 31 days of December are upon us!



Beginnings and endings

Endings and new beginnings

It is amazing how much we cram into a week at camp!  What a diversity of experiences there have been in the past few days.  Even the weather has kept us on or toes with moderate winds to dead calm and baking sun to a cool rainy day.  We have had new beginnings every day and very happy endings.

For EP we have been energetic at the scavenger hunt and chilled out at campfire, really tacky during everyone’s favorite ‘Ms Tacky Runoia’ and talented at our very own Runoia’s got talent’s show the Voice and USA gymnastics team had better watch out!

Team captains were chosen with the ‘A’ team of Ally and Anna leading the Whites and  Z and Eliza managing the Blues.  All of the girls that chose to run for the position gave great speeches at assembly and were commended for having the courage to ‘give it a go.’  Soccer games were already played with many more activities to compete in this coming week.

IMG_2444We have seen so many firsts as girls tried new things, met new people and adventured far and wide and we are beginning to see some of the lasts for our oldest campers.  Painting their boards to put up in the boat house was bitter sweet.

Perhaps the most meaningful moment of the week was our youngest and newest group of campers the ‘Harmony Land Camp’ girls sharing their love with the graduating senior village girls.  It was the first Runoia campfire for the HLC girls and the last as campers for our graduates.  A very meaningful moment as traditions are passed along and legacies left to the next generation.  Harmony Land Camp is our new short session taster program for 7 and 8 year old girls and it is already a big hit.

HLC at Nina's

We will make the most of our last 5 days of first session and are already anticipating the ‘see you next summer’ goodbyes as we hug those we now call our ‘summer sisters.’


See you soon!


What’s New This Week?

Hi Families! What’s on our mind about news today is the events of the past week. New in 2016, we are posting our news here in the blog rather than sending home a paper newsletters. Enjoy!

Runoia Girls Learn All Day!
Runoia Girls Learn All Day!

Camp started off with the most amazing and beautiful whether we have ever had. Activities roared into high gear as campers were eager to climb, ride, sail, hike, make art, play tennis, do archery and riflery, windsurf, canoe, kayak and head out on trips.

Trips headed to the wilderness this week included: 6th shack backpacking on Saddleback and canoers paddled on Umbagog. Saddleback is on the famous Appalachian Trail and Umbagog is a quiet lake on the Canadian border.

Runoia Gals Exploring Maine
Runoia Gals Exploring Maine

The 2nd Shack crew had a lovely evening at Fairy Ring and enjoyed S’mores for dessert. 4th Shack canoed to Oak Island and camped out enjoying pizza soup, pancakes in the morning and returned in time to go to major classes.

Do you know what your daughter’s major was this past week? Major classes run 5 periods over the week allowing your daughter to build progressive skills in the activity. If news is slow to come from your daughter.

Majors at Runoia are MAJOR!
Majors at Runoia are MAJOR!

Reflection: Have you been tuned into the Growth Mindset in education. Growth vs Fixed Mindset is inspiring teachers in the classrooms across the country and guess what????? Growth mindset has been a thing at youth camps for over 100 years! Reflection and intentionality, including personal accountability, are tools we use at the beginning of our majors week (goal setting) and reflection happens at the end of most classes and “circle up” is part of the end of the day in shack groups throughout camp. Taking the time to set goals, reflect on what was accomplished and re-think what you want to accomplish next cements the learning process into lifelong skills.

Here’s one educators take on Growth Mindset: We at Runoia proudly believe in camp as a key part of youth development and building 21st century skills. Read our blog on Why Camp? AND – we have fun this week! This week in Evening Program we played

Ta da! Prestidigitation - a word of the day this week!
Ta da! Prestidigitation – a word of the day this week!

Run Sheepy Run, had Lip Synching contests, Song Trivia, The Laundry Bag Game, Mostest, Broom Hockey, Gaga Tournaments, Chill Out EP and more!

Happy Fourth of July! We can’t wait to share with you what we experience after another full week of camp!


Love, Aionur

The Most Amazing Part of Runoia – by Jai

When I was five years old I went to Camp Runoia for a week to try it out, and ended up staying for seven weeks.  My Grandmother was Betty Cobb, but she made sure not to coddle me through my experience.  She allowed me to make my own friends and memories.  For eleven summers I went to Runoia as a camper.  It became my second home, the place where I found myself, gained confidence, learned life long skills, discovered independence, made some of my best friends, and still have my fondest memories.

Fast forward to 2012, when I began working at Runoia with my mom with my two children in tow.  It wasn’t until that summer that I realized how magical this place really is, as I watched my two girls start to experience some of the same things I did when I was five.  These girls love Runoia.

Kids on the Rock

When we were recently up for Memorial Day weekend, their excitement was evident to everyone around us.  My five year old screeched all the way down Point Road.  They jumped out of the car and didn’t know where to go first: the barn, the waterfront, the tree house… and camp wasn’t even in session yet.  To watch them have the most beautiful place to explore, and gain that same self confidence I did, is a dream come true. They are going to learn to canoe, rock climb, start a camp fire, and learn songs that campers sang 100 years ago, while making life long friends and memories. My girls are going to grow up with a sense of self worth and strength.  To me, that is the most amazing part of Runoia.

Planning Gardens and Waiting for Bird Migration at Runoia

This is the time of year, for those of us who live in northern climates like Maine, we dream of spring gardens and bird migration among other wonders of the changing season. migrating birdsDid you know March is the “most snowfall” month of the year in Maine?! Although February might seem early to be dreaming of birds and gardens, dreams are what keep us positive when we have 31 days of winter in March (a true statement in

Maple Sap Collection for Syrup
Maple Sap Collection for Syrup

Maine!). So although maple sap is flowing early this year, you never know if we’ll get another cold snap and a lot of snow.

Back to those dreams about gardens and birds. Camp Runoia’s seed order has been not only ordered but has been received. The season for sleepaway camps doesn’t match with the Maine growing season so we are sure to put in early harvesting vegetables like spinach, kale, snap peas and sugar peas and summer squash.

Lots of Fun Growing in the Runoia Greenhouse
Lots of Fun Growing in the Runoia Greenhousegreenhouse Later in the summer the tomatoes, basil, lettuce and other herbs and veggies flourish in our greenhouse.
Always a Delight to Spy an Oriole at Runoia
Always a Delight to Spy an Oriole at Runoia

The day the robins show up in April is always a sign of spring and the migrating birds coming through. We hang orange slices to attract the Baltimore Orioles – they are such fun to see.





One thing we learned in recent years from our wood shop aficionado, Ted, is painting bird houses is detrimental to birds. Who knew? So here’s a project one camper did combining our wood shop and wood burning program areas. It’s an awesome birdhouse with a beautiful floral designed burned in with wood burning tools. All made at camp! So enjoy the wonders of spring, catch those birds going by and dream next of summer and summer camp!

Bird House Made at Camp Runoia
Bird House Made at Camp Runoia

Count Down to Runoia 2016!

The countdown to summer sleepaway camp is well underway as we just passed the 150 “days till camp” marker. While some campers are enjoying the count down, others are feeling a big nervous and maybe even somewhat anxious about overnight camp. This is perfectly normal!

Count down to Camp
Count down to Camp

What can you do to encourage your campers to be ready for camp? Here’s some tips from the experts:

Brooke Cheley-Klebe from Cheley Camps suggests “Get your camper involved in picking out gear for camp. If you buy hiking boots, go on a hike with them!”

Camp Owner and TED talk extraordinaire, Steve Baskin suggests reframe what three weeks away is about “wise parents provide their children with a different frame to look at camp. It is not “3 weeks away from mom and dad”, but is instead “a grand adventure full of fun and friends”.

Jen Bush writes for American Camp Association: “Learn details of the facilities. Will your child have to walk to the bathroom at night? Some kids, especially those from urban areas, are unaccustomed to total darkness, so it’s a good idea to practice using a flashlight. Will she be exposed to a lot of bugs and wildlife? Consider taking a family camping trip in advance to familiarize your child with the outdoor environment, nighttime sounds, and roughing it a bit.”

A great idea we heard from a parent is have your teenager take a mini-vacation from their phone or screen. Make it a positive experience where you go do something together or something she enjoys and explain that it’s about being present together. Not tying it “going away to camp” will be in their favor.

Other ideas:
• Look over the packing list together on, start browsing your closets and stores and gathering items together for camp.
• Practice sorting their dirty laundry from clean clothes, carrying their toiletries to the shower, brushing and braiding their hair, making their bed. Make a list of things they will be expected to do at camp on their own or with the support of a counselor or a friend and start practicing!
• Discuss what they will enjoy doing at camp, look over the camp activities, help explain how they can sign up for activities at the camp and who to turn to if they would like to change their schedule.
• Let them know how Runoia directors and adults are around all the time to help them at camp. Have them write an email to us about any concerns so we can address them. Reducing uncertainty and knowing adults will be there to help them really helps.

Let your camper know it is absolutely normal to be nervous about camp and let her know that everyone is nervous – even the campers returning to Runoia. Remind her we are great at helping campers adjust and get oriented at Camp Runoia and we want her to have the best time of her life!

You can do it!
You can do it!

The perfect Camp Runoia picture

I spend a lot of time looking through Camp Runoia photographs.  Not just the thousands on the hard drive from this summer but many from previous years and even ‘real’ photos from our archives that are not digitally available.

bootsWe use camp photographs for many different reasons but mostly to share the message of Runoia.

swagSo what makes the perfect photo? Is it a happy smiling face? a shot of two girls arm in arm walking down a path? a beautiful sunset over the lake?  or a campfire close up?  Erica

Depending on the purpose there are 100’s of  shots that could be deemed ‘perfect.’ Lodge chimney in the fall

On any given day for any given reason the perfect photograph speaks to the heart and captures the soul of Runoia.

oak swimSome of the time while searching I get distracted and  just enjoy looking at the memories that each snap catches. reminders of the people the place and the fun that we get up to at camp.

camp063 283More often it turns out that the perfect shot isn’t on film but is stored in our hearts and minds.  The photograph is just a perfect reminder.

“A great photograph is one that fully expresses what one feels, in the deepest sense, about what is being photographed.” Ansel Adams

Normal Anxiousness about Sleepaway Camp

The countdown to summer sleepaway camp is well underway as we approach the 150 days till camp marker. While some campers are enjoying the count down, others are feeling a big nervous and maybe even somewhat anxious. This is perfectly normal!

What can you do to encourage your campers to be ready for camp?

Anxiousness is Normal
Anxiousness is Normal

Here’s some tips from the experts:

Brooke Cheley-Klebe from Cheley Camps suggests “Get your camper involved in picking out gear for camp. If you buy hiking boots, go on a hike with them!

Camp Owner and TED talk extraordinaire, Steve Baskin suggests reframe what three weeks away is about “wise parents provide their children with a different frame to look at camp.  It is not “3 weeks away from mom and dad”, but is instead “a grand adventure full of fun and friends”.

Jen Bush writes for American Camp Association: “Learn details of the facilities. Will your child have to walk to the bathroom at night? Some kids, especially those from urban areas, are unaccustomed to total darkness, so it’s a good idea to practice using a flashlight. Will she be exposed to a lot of bugs and wildlife? Consider taking a family camping trip in advance to familiarize your child with the outdoor environment, nighttime sounds, and roughing it a bit.”

A great idea we heard from a parent is have your teenager take a mini-vacation from their phone or screen. Make it a positive experience where you go do something together or something she enjoys and explain that it’s about being present together. Not tying it “going away to camp” will be in their favor.

       Counselors are Fun
Counselors are Fun

Other ideas:

  • Look over the packing list together on, start browsing your closets and stores and gathering items together for camp.
  • Practice sorting their dirty laundry from clean clothes, carrying their toiletries to the shower, brushing and braiding their hair, making their bed. Make a list of things they will be expected to do at camp on their own or with the support of a counselor or a friend and start practicing!
  • Discuss what they will enjoy doing at camp, look over the camp activities, help explain how they can sign up for activities at the camp and who to turn to if they would like to change their schedule.
  • Let them know how Runoia directors and adults are around all the time to help them at camp. Have them write an email to us about any concerns so we can address them. Reducing uncertainty and knowing adults will be there to help them really helps.
Caring Adults at Camp Runoia
Caring Adults at Camp Runoia

Let your camper know it is absolutely normal to be nervous about camp and let her know that everyone is nervous – even the campers returning to Runoia. Remind her we are great at helping campers adjust and get oriented at Camp Runoia and we want her to have the best time of her life!

Celebrating Camp Birthdays at Runoia

Having a birthday at camp is special and fun in many ways. It’s a birthday bonanza!

Cake and Hugs!
Cake and Hugs!

There are the songs. The cards. The decorations. There is the birthday party on birthday night. There are the cakes – your cakes and all the other cakes. There are more songs and costumes and loud, crazy, silliness. Lots of birthdays are celebrated at Runoia each summer and they are something everyone looks forward to each session.

Birthday Party Costumes at Runoia
Birthday Party Costumes at Runoia

Songs are silly songs like: I thought I heard my grandmother say that so and so’s birthday was today with a fee fo and a fi fo… OR Ice cream soda water ginger ale pop, the cake the cake with the candles on top, get ready get ready your pearly white teeth… ALL Runoia campers and alumna can finish the words to these crazy songs.

So whenever your birthday falls, think of the playful Runoia celebrations, the special moments given to girls whether it’s their birthday or not. The whole camp has a party – that’s pretty sweet!

A lot of Toga!
A lot of Toga!