The Language of Letters: A summer communication guide for families

Letters are a love language here at camp, and with our campers’ penpals assigned and so many letters written and sent already, I’m thinking more than ever about the language of letter-writing during the summer.

With hand-written letters as our families’ main portal into their campers’ summer, the writing and reading of them is a more important experience, and more nuanced, than many of us realize.

Read on for a comprehensive guide to communicating with your camper through snail mail this summer, including science-backed recommendations and the do’s and don’t’s of letters.

returning campers share photos with their 2023 letters written to their new penpals!

Receiving a sad or homesick letter

Dr. Tracy Brenner, “The Camp Counselor”, shared something in a recent webinar with the Maine Camp Experience that has stuck with me since. She put emotions throughout camp into perspective for attendees by having us consider the following: how many emotions do you experience in a day, even hour by hour? How about minute by minute? Now stretch that across three weeks or an entire summer. Our campers, staff, and families are all individually and communally experiencing this wide array of thoughts and feelings all throughout the season.

What does this mean for our campers’ letters?

Each letter your camper sends is a snapshot in time and emotion – not just a snapshot, but one of a moment that happened days prior (which feels more like worlds away at camp) by the time that letter arrives in your mailbox. We also need to recognize that along that spectrum of daily emotions, among the good and even the neutral, there are also many which are tough feelings. Working through these emotions are a function and benefit of camp and communal living – not a fault nor error. And here’s the good thing: homesickness is normal and typically mild. In a study of 329 campers, Dr. Thurber reported that about 83% of campers reported feeling homesick on at least one day of camp.

So, if and when you receive a letter with some tougher feelings, you can:

  • take a deep breath and remind yourself that this is natural, okay, and expected
  • ground yourself – take care of your own emotions before writing a response, and call us if you need help in that process
  • reply with encouragement and celebration of their resilience, appreciation for communicating their feelings, and highlighting the good in their letter
  • take it into perspective – was this letter written at a time that was situationally difficult, like their first night away from you, a time when they experienced disappointment, etc.?
  • offer a topic change or a shift in perspective in your response
  • if you have concerns about something serious communicated in your child’s letter, email their Head of Cabin (HOC) or give us a call

How often to write your camper

It is likely clear to our camp families that there is a level of ‘too few’ letters for our campers to receive. Getting no letters while at camp, especially as a new or younger camper, can make children feel anxious about home and their family’s well-being, and can cause feelings of being left out when seeing their bunkmates receive mail.

How many of us also realize that there is a such thing as ‘too many’ letters?

Hear us out – receiving letters daily, especially multiple per day, can potentially turn into an emotional crutch for campers, and make it more challenging for them to truly disconnect and fully experience camp and engage in our community. This can jeopardize some of the biggest benefits of camp: learning to self-regulate, find their own place in a larger community, and practice resilience while being ‘away’. Trust us that your camper will have no shortage of trusted adults in their camp community, and we want to encourage campers to communicate with their counselors, HOCs, and directors when those big feelings come along.

To help your camper feel just connected enough, here are two quick tips:

  • consider sending a letter a few days before camp starts for them to receive on the first full day of camp with encouraging words
  • depending on their age, send your camper to Runoia with a healthy number of pre-addressed and stamped envelopes to write home

What to write in a letter

  • Help your child process those tough emotions with phrases like:
    • “that sounds really tough – I’m so impressed with you for working through that and telling me about it.”
    • “your feelings are normal, and I promise you everyone is feeling the same way or has before.”
    • “you sound ____ (sad/homesick/disappointed/etc.), have you told a counselor or adult about it?”
    • “what have you tried when you feel ____ that has helped you feel better?”
    • “I know if you work through this, you will have so much fun and be more confident coming back next year.”
    • “I am confident you can do this – I believe in you.”
    • “give yourself some more time – the days will start to fly by.”
  • Once you’ve acknowledged your camper’s feelings at the beginning of your letter, move on to asking questions about camp to help her reach a better headspace by the end of your letter. Help your child ground herself when they write their next letter by asking specific questions, like:
    • “what are your counselors’ names?”
    • “who are your roommates, and what are they like?”
    • “what is your favorite thing you’ve done at camp so far?”
    • “what is one thing you’re looking forward to this week?”
    • “what’s one activity you’ve tried and loved?”
    • “what’s one thing you accomplished this week?”
    • “how have you been a good friend to another camper?”
  • Talk with your camper about some go-to coping skills that work for them before leaving for camp, then help remind them of them. This will be unique to each child, but might look like:
    • “the next time you feel that way, tell a trusted adult at camp.”
    • “stay busy – what book are you reading right now?”
    • “how can you relax when camp feels a little crazy?”
    • “enjoy your rest hour today – slow down and write in your journal or make a bracelet.”

What not to write in a letter

If you’ve read our family handbook, you know that we stress just how important it is to never make ‘the pick-up deal’ prior to camp or in a letter. It can be hard to not know exactly how your child is feeling at all times, and certainly even tougher to get an emotional letter. Our instinct is to save the day, but when we resist that urge, we’re encouraging resilience and resourcefulness in our children – one of the main benefits of camp. Here’s a quick list of what to avoid when writing a letter home:

  • avoid writing back immediately if your camper’s letter has heightened your own emotions – let yourself regulate before sitting down to reply
  • don’t write about how much you miss your camper or the family fun she’s missing out on while at camp
  • don’t write about sad family news – if it’s big news, call camp and we’ll create a communication plan together
  • don’t promise anything – promises to pick your child up or for them to call home are not promises you can keep, and only give your child false hope and prevent them from managing their own emotions

There you have it – the language of letters, the Runoia way. There is no perfect formula to letter-writing, and each camper is different, but if you follow these guidelines, you will be supporting your camper to work through their tough emotions, self-regulate, and get the most they can from their short few weeks at Camp Runoia.

And in between each letter you write and receive, remind yourself that there are countless smiles, giggles, and skills gained – so many, your camper can’t fit them all in one letter. Check our photos on your dashboard every few days, keep an eye to our social media and blogs, watch your email for our newsletters – you might catch an amazing experience that she forgot to mention in that snapshot moment of missing home.

And don’t forget that also between each letter, your camper is loved, cared for, and encouraged by our staff, directors, and her community at Runoia!



Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at camp: a summary of Runoia DAC’s 2024 action steps

Summer camp is best when it can be enjoyed by all. The ACA agrees that intentional work in diversity, equity, and inclusion at camp is vital – here’s what Runoia’s DAC is doing:

Camp is a special place in many people’s hearts – a place where friendships and confidence are built, and lifelong memories created – and is one of those things that is best enjoyed in good company and shared with others. Overnight camp, however, has not always historically included everyone – barriers to entry can include financial costs, transportation limits, and lack of information. Once campers do make it to camp, they can face other barriers that keep them from returning: a lack of that sense of belonging, a camp staff that don’t look like them or work to include them, and more. Runoia believes that intentional efforts towards justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion (JEDI) are essential to expand the positive impact of summers of camp magic to include everyone we can, and to be sure that those camp experiences are equally accessible, fun, and safe regardless of identity.

In line with this belief, Camp Runoia has embarked on a dedicated journey with its Diversity Advisory Committee (DAC), established in 2020 by Director Emerita Pam Cobb Heuberger, to champion justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion within our community. The DAC’s mission is: “Intentionally collaborating to craft relevant DEIB standards, practices, and outcomes for Camp Runoia – including hate-bias reporting, inclusive staff hiring and training practices, partnership with POC experts in the field, and educational materials and signage at camp – while supporting Runoia with tangible committee efforts and actions.”

The DAC meets monthly from October – May each year to reflect and build on the previous summer. Although originally established from three campers’ encouragement of Runoia to share a stance on Black Lives Matter, the DAC’s discussion of DEI encapsulates all dimensions of diversity: race, socioeconomic status, gender identity, health and ability status, religious beliefs, ethnicity and national origin, and more.

Now that the DAC has adjourned for the summer, we’re excited to share the action steps the DAC has taken or are currently in progress for the 2024 season:

  1. Review and Sharing of DEI Statement: The DAC meticulously reviewed Camp Runoia’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) statement, ensuring it accurately reflects camp’s commitment to fostering an inclusive community.
  2. Expansion of CRAO Campership Funds: Recognizing the importance of financial accessibility, the DAC expanded CRAO campership funds to encompass more agencies, including Level Ground – an organization that specifically supports local Maine campers. The DAC also created a separate fund for everyone to contribute to – no matter if they have $5 or $500+ to give – that provides CRAO supported campers with the ‘extras’ of camp, like a Crazy Creek chair, HydroFlask water bottle, and a bracelet making kit. These are the little things that we believe can make a camper feel like they belong.
  3. Additions to the Camp Library: Each summer, the DAC works to expand Runoia’s camp library to review and supplement our current inventory. These additions fulfill different literary categories including diverse authors, representation in characters, and more. Before the summer begins, Runoia puts our order in for new books from Black-owned bookstores like Mahogany Books and women-owned bookstores like Tombolo.
  4. Translation of Morning Community Saying: Embracing the heritage of the local indigenous community, the DAC facilitated the translation of the morning community saying into Wabenaki and will be posting signage displaying the translated saying in the Lodge.
  5. Hate/Bias Report Forms: Each year, the DAC reviews and edits our Hate/Bias report forms and system to ensure that they are serving their intended purpose of providing campers and staff an avenue to report incidents related to identity that happen at camp. These report forms have been posted accessibly around camp, are available in anonymous formats, and are reviewed externally each year.
  6. Staff Training: The DAC consulted and helped form comprehensive training sessions for staff. A major change made in 2024 is the decision to weave DEI concepts and values throughout the whole of training and to use this as a lens for other existing trainings. Runoia has previously worked with amazing external resources for staff training like Strength Perspective and OAAARs.

In the world of New England camping, Runoia is committed to pushing open doors for campers and staff each summer and continuing to improve on the accessibility of an unforgettable camp experience. The DAC is excited to see all that Runoia’s campers and staff accomplish in 2024, and look forward to reflecting on the summer together in October.

With love,

the Diversity Advisory Committee of Camp Runoia

  • Asha Wills, MBA Candidate MIT Sloan School of Business
  • Colleen O’Malley, Assistant Director, Camp Runoia
  • Pam Cobb Heuberger, MBA, Director Emerita, Camp Runoia
  • Claire Williamson, Nonprofit Arts Thought Leader and Educator
  • Erin Lasher, Social Worker Aurora, CO Public Schools
  • Kendall Wilson, Partner at Holland & Knight LLP
  • Em Friedman, Student Rep, Vassar College
  • Emma Owings, MPH, Associate Project Manager at Osher Center for Integrative Medicine
  • Zipporah Hommel, Associate at Bolton St-Johns, Public Policy
  • Nick Teich, PhD, LCSW, Executive Coach, Fairwinds Consulting

‘Insider Tips’ for first-time campers from Runoia’s returning families

In this week’s blog, we’re tapping in our greatest resource – CR’s returning families and campers – to provide their ‘insider tips’ for our first-time campers this summer.

Coming to overnight camp for the first time is an amazing, exciting, and overwhelming experience. Everything is new, and our first-year campers and families go through a quick learning process from their first phone call, to reading through our family handbook and newsletters, to their pre-camp check-in call, and finally to drop-off day. We do everything we can to prepare our first-time families for this new experience, but nothing can compare to getting all of the insider and unspoken tips and tricks straight from those who have ‘been there, done that!’

So we took to Instagram to ask our families:

“What’s one thing you wish you packed your first year OR isn’t on the packing list, but you consider a must-have at camp?” – here’s what campers and parents had to share:

  • Extras for the cabin and your space:
    • “Fairy light, fans, and photos” to decorate your bunk and make it your own
    • “A sleeping pad” to make bedtime a little more comfy and cozy
    • “A mirror, alarm clock, a light, a fan” for your bedside
    • “A camera” – our campers love digital cameras or polaroid cameras – so you can hang up your pictures right away!
    • A 4-summer parent shared that they pack “a surprise gift in her bag with a note from us”

  • The ‘must-have’ clothes and accessories:
    • “Costumes/spirit gear!”, “Face paint and temporary tattoos”, and “Something special for July 4th” (for our first-session campers)
      • pro-tip: first-time campers will pick their team in 2024, and will be a Bee or an Ellie for the rest of their Runoia days! Ellies don silver spirit gear, while the Bees sport indigo
    • “A Crazy Creek for sure!”
    • “Don’t forget your rainboots!”

Then, we asked: “What would you say to a first-time camper or parent who is feeling nervous about camp?”

  • Our campers shared their insights:
    • “It’s okay and normal to be nervous!”
    • “You forget you were even nervous at all by the time you wake up the first morning!”
    • “It’s the safest place ever!! And making friends is a breeze, they last a lifetime too”
    • “You will find people that feel like family and you can write so many letters!”
    • “Don’t worry! Everyone at camp is so, so nice”
    • “Even 20 years later, it was one of the best experiences I’ve had in my life.”
    • “It’s so very amazing”
    • “You will forget about your family in no time so have fun!”
    • “You’re about to have the best years of your life”
  • Our campers’ trusted adults shared their thoughts, too:
    • “Camp goes by so fast so don’t be afraid to be away from your kid/parent”
    • “It’s amazing and the kids adjust very quickly.”

Lastly, we asked folks to share their best tips for when they’re feeling homesick at camp:

    • Go to ‘your place’ at camp: “I go to the barn!”
    • “Find something to do or someone to talk to – don’t just sit in sadness”
    • “Talk to your friends and counselors”
    • “You’ll miss camp when you’re home so enjoy it while you’re there”
    • “It’s ok to cry! Write lots of letters home”
    • Distract yourself – “don’t think of home too much and go have fun with your friends!”
    • “I think – what would you be doing at home that’s more fun than what you’re doing here?!”
    • “Look at the photos you pinned up”

The best thing about Runoia is our community. It’s kind, tight-knit, and full of so many campers and staff who are ready and excited to help you. If you look for helpers at CR, you’ll find them around every corner – special thanks to the helpers who gave amazing tips for first-time campers this summer!

See you soon in Harmonyland,


Runoia Reads: a reading list for MLK day

Runoia reads – for fun, to grow, to learn, to challenge perspectives, and to place ourselves in the shoes of others.

Reading is a major component of the Runoia lifestyle – with unstructured free-time, an amazing library, and group reading time in cabins before bed, we are sure to make it a priority every day that we can! It serves as a time to unwind from the tiring and busy camp day, and to escape to alternate worlds.

In the past few years, our Diversity Advisory Committee has worked to diversify our library with books that fall under the following categories: Black representation, Black history, gender fluidity, South Asian representation, Asian-American representation, Latinx representation, Indigenous representation, Jewish representation, LGBTQ+ representation, and protagonists with disabilities. From DAC member Claire Williamson’s book list to our 2023 selections that we stocked our library with this past summer, Runoia is happy to offer more and more voices and represent more of our campers with each passing year.

In honor of MLK day next week, and in celebration and commemoration of Dr. King’s life and work and upcoming Black History Month, we encourage our campers, family, staff, and friends to incorporate more books with Black voices, history, and experiences into their reading lists.

This week we are sharing recommendations from our reading list, with many books you can find in the Runoia library! If you find one that catches your eye, consider ordering from a Black-owned bookstore local to you. Runoia reads, and we hope you join us!

Black Representation
A is for All the Things You Are: A Joyful ABC Book by Anna Forgerson Hindley
All Are Welcome by Alexandra Penfold
Amazing Grace by Mary Hoffman
A Visit to Grandad: An African ABC by Sade Fedipe
Big Hair, Don’t Care by Crystal Swain-Bates
Black is Brown is Tan By Arnold Adoff
Change Sings by Amanda Gorman (Youth Poet Laureate)

I am Enough by Grace Byers
The Colors of Us by Karen Katz
The Water Princess by Susan Verde
Waiting in the Wings by Debbie Allen

Black History
Henry’s Freedom Box by Ellen Levine
How I Met Lewis Howard Lattimer by Ramon Robinson and Brandon Freeny
Little Leaders, Bold Women in Black History by Vashti Harrison
Malcolm Little by Ilyasah Shabazz
Through My Eyes by Ruby Bridges

Graphic Novels
March by John Lewis
New Kid by Jerry Craft


We are so grateful for the work of our Diversity Advisory Committee – which meets monthly to continually improve the Runoia experience through a DEIB lens. The Diversity Advisory Committee of the CRAO is continuing great work with library additions, hate/bias reporting systems, staff hiring and training process to include DEI based aspects of interviewing and training staff, addressing current events and how they relate to running camp and being a camper or staff member at camp and more.

Gratitude for Camp

The holiday season always has us reflecting on the previous summer, looking forward to the next, and pausing to feel gratitude for camp and our community – the campers, staff, families, and alumni that make each summer so magical.

You’ve heard and seen us mention ‘the gift of camp’ time and time again – not just this season, but for years now! That’s because we truly view the camp experience as a gift – when our alumni reflect on their own camp experience, it’s common to hear shares of gratitude for whoever made camp a possibility for them. When we make the camp experience possible for a child, as the CRAO does for so many campers through our campership program, we’re gifting more than just 3 weeks of fun and sunshine. We’re gifting life-long friends, an opportunity for growth, hidden passions discovered, confidence, resilience, and so much more. 

But hey – you don’t have to take our word for it! We took to Instagram to ask: “What is something Camp Runoia has given you that you’re grateful for?”

So many members of our community – current campers, staff, alumni, and families alike openly shared their best take-aways from camp.

There was no shortage of incredible answers – we’d love to share just a few of our favorites with you.

Camp gave me…

“Beautiful memories!”

“Confidence to be my own person”


“My friends that I now consider family and all the amazing memories – I’m so thankful”

“My best friend! And opportunities to try things I never imagined I would.”

“Friends who I maybe never see, but that I have for a lifetime”

“A child who is secure to be away from home.”


“New experiences with new friends!”


“I mended with my twin at camp – we’re besties now and talk regularly!”

“My best friends in the whole world!”

“Horseback riding <3”


“Amazing memories”

“The experiences of a lifetime and some of the best friends!”

“My oldest and most lasting friends.”

… just to name a few. Thank you to our community members who shared their own gratitude for camp – we certainly see a theme, there – friendship!



The Gift of Camp

When my mom went back to work after years of staying home with my sister and I, she says one of the first things she prioritized saving up for was to send us to summer camp. I’m lucky to barely remember a time before camp was a part of my life – I spent seven summers growing up at camp and will always consider it a gift that I am tremendously grateful for. Camp gave my sister and I life-long friends, leadership development, practical skills, and a sense of community that we otherwise wouldn’t have experienced.

Hanukkah began yesterday evening, and Christmas is well on its way – as we all know from the songs playing everywhere we go. This season of giving, family, and community has our entire team reflecting on the gifts we experience year-round at Runoia:

  • The donations made to the CRAO that pass on the gift of camp to campers who otherwise would not have the opportunity
  • The countless new families we get to meet and welcome to our community each year
  • The effort our Diversity Advisory Committee (DAC) puts in to making camp an accessible and inclusive experience
  • The immeasurable laughter and smiles our campers inspire each summer
  • A loving and supportive alumni community
  • Watching our staff community grow over the year and connect over staff training

… just to name a few!

Runoia believes strongly in the impact of camp on our children, staff, and families and will always propose that it is the greatest gift we can give. The lives of so many in our community across the past 117 summers have been changed for good by the camp experience. It’s a gift that keeps on giving – each summer brings something new: new lessons learned, new friendships made, new skills gained. Even for those who have been here for 10, 15, even 28 years!

But you don’t have to take our word for it – take our families’ word for it! The gift of camp is evident in these parents testimonials from 2023:

“I know my kids are in great hands at Runoia. I have total confidence in the staff leadership to create an environment for my kids to explore, discover, make friends + have fun while doing everything possible to keep them safe. I love that my kids try new activities at camp + are encouraged to do a range of fun stuff. I LOVE how much support Alex gives to parents. She lifted my heart. That’s worth every penny! (THANK YOU!)”

“From the camper perspective, she loved almost all her activities, she had a blast on the Acadia trip, she made wonderful friends, loved horseback riding.”

“She has been transformed! She is more independent and brave. She loved being able to select her own activities, and use her free time how she saw fit.”

“[We love the] growth over the years; the friendships, the traditions, counselors, and increased confidence from being independent and learning new skills.”

“[We love] the friendships my daughter develops at camp and her chance to step outside her comfort zone.”

If you have a child or a grandchild in your life who could benefit from experiencing camp, consider giving the ultimate gift this season!

If you’d like to pay it forward instead, and contribute to providing this experience through our campership program, consider making a donation to the CRAO today. See the way that your donations impact our campership recipients in our testimonials.

No matter what role you play in our Runoia community, your involvement is as big a gift as camp is!



How to Choose a Camp: questions to ask Directors in your search

As we round the corner into what feels like the back half of fall, many families are, possibly for the first time, searching for and hoping to choose a camp for their kid(s). Choosing a camp requires placing a lot of trust into camp professionals to care for your child and to provide a dream experience – but that trust doesn’t need to be blind. At Runoia, it is our goal to help campers find their best fit camp. We are always thrilled when that happens to be Runoia, but each camp is entirely unique from the next. It’s important to know what’s important to you (and your child,) ask the right questions, and pursue that experience. After countless parent phone calls and Zooms, here are the top things we suggest parents and guardians think about when choosing a camp, and some helpful questions to ask a camp director when looking:

Laser-focused or well-rounded?

The label ‘camp’ can mean anything from a soccer day camp to a sleep-away camp with dozens of activities. Are you hoping that your child focuses on building one particular skill – sailing, riding, a team sport, etc. – or do you hope that they will broaden their horizons, try new things, and gain skills in multiple activities in one summer?

Runoia falls into the latter category – with 30+ activity choices and exceptional programs in multiple areas like our complete waterfront, on-campus riding program, trips, and more! Here are some questions you can ask a camp director:

  • How many activities do you offer at camp?
  • What would you say are your biggest programs?
  • How do you offer skill progression in different activities?

Pre-planned or elective?

This is an important question to ask, especially after deciding on the prior! Once you know how many and what kind of activities a camp offers, it’s important to also know how much of a camper’s schedule is in their own control. If you are leaning towards a camp that specializes in just a handful of activities, you may also be looking for a structured camp that sets campers’ schedules for them. Runoia’s culture is one of choice and individual expression – our campers choose their own schedules in 2-day and 3-day blocks at camp. Our campers choose their schedules at camp for each block at a time, so they can pursue a new-found passion, change their minds, or be a completely different person from one block to the next! Here are some great questions to ask a camp director to get a sense of their structure:

  • Do campers have full, partial, or no control over their schedule and activity choices?
  • Do campers do activities with their cabin group or are classes mixed?
  • Do campers choose their schedules before arriving or at camp?
  • Do you offer any special-focus programs for campers to enroll in?

Small community or big population?

There are certainly benefits to each different camp population size, from a trip program with just a handful of staff and campers, to communities with hundreds of staff members and thousands of campers in one summer! When choosing a camp, ask yourself and your child whether they would prefer a tight-knit community – one where everyone knows one another and friendships span all ages – or a large community with the opportunity to meet hundreds of others? Runoia is a community like the former; our director team knows our campers’ names and each are involved in all aspects of the community on a day-to-day basis. Here are some questions to ask a director about their community:

  • What is your community size in each session?
  • How many campers and staff are in each cabin?
  • What is your overall staff to camper ratio?
  • Are your senior-level staff and directors involved in the daily community?

Community, Care, Culture, and Connection

It can be a challenge to earnestly understand the culture and sense of community at a camp just from looking at a website or social media. While we hope that our values shine through even virtually, this is one of the top reasons for having a conversation with a director. Hearing the belief of the value of camp and its impact on campers shine through a director’s voice on the phone can truly make the difference. Runoia’s culture is one that is kind and inclusive and intentionally built through our alumni all the way down to our youngest campers. Here are some questions to ask to get a good sense of the community, care for children, culture, and sense of connection at a potential camp:

  • How would you describe the ‘typical camper’ at your camp – what kids do well, and what does a successful summer look like for your typical camper?
  • How do you build community year-round and integrate new campers into your standing community?
  • Do you have an involved community of alumni?
  • How would you describe the culture of your camp? Is it competitive? Is it kind, inclusive, and welcoming?


As a camp entering its 117th consecutive season, we’re no stranger to tradition – when your camp has been standing since 1907, you pick up a few along the way! We try to strike our best balance between tradition and progression – honoring our foundations while moving forward. Here are some great questions to ask on tradition:


  • What traditions are important to your camp?
  • Does your camp partake in any intra or inter-camp competitions?
  • Do you have something like ‘color wars’?
  • Do you ever reevaluate traditions with a DEI lens?

An immersed experience, or connection to the ‘real world?’

We believe that camp poses a unique opportunity to ‘unplug’ to connect to nature, others, and ourselves. Therefore, Runoia offers a truly classic, immersed camp experience for its campers and staff. Technology is a no-go at Runoia, and we keep it old-school with letter-writing. Runoia also communicates with parents throughout the week through multiple modalities. We find that our system of communication really helps our campers make the most of their time at camp, connect to others, and fight off feelings of homesickness. Each camp is different, however, and it’s important to know what level of communication you expect from your ideal camp. Ask these questions:

  • Are phone calls allowed at camp?
  • Can you describe how mail works at your camp?
  • Do you have a system of regular communication for updates from the leadership team?

Session length

Again, each camp is so different from the next, and the topic of session length is no exception! Camps range from offering just 1-week sessions throughout the summer, to only offering a summer-long experience. Runoia offers two 3-week sessions and limited opportunities for a full summer. We also offer a 2-week ‘try it’ program for our youngest campers called Harmony Land Camp. When thinking about session length, try asking these questions:

  • Do you offer a shorter ‘starter camp’ program to try? What ages are eligible if so?
  • What are your session dates and how long is each session?
  • Do most campers choose to go for one session or the full summer?


Location, location, location

We might be a touch biased to say that Maine really is the summer camp capitol of the world, and Maine does it well! Offering plenty of water, beautiful green land, and mountains to boot – you just can’t beat it. And since each year we welcome campers who have traveled from not just states away but countries away, we’d have to say it’s a worthwhile journey.


Here are some important questions to ask about location and transportation:

  • What are the options for transportation to camp?
  • What does opening day look like for each mode of transportation?
  • Do parents and guardians tend to travel in the area for the duration of camp?


To choose a camp, it is important that your child finds a community in which they can see themselves represented by other campers, staff, and in camp policies. Runoia is happy to have seen its camper diversity grow organically in recent years, and has responded with the formation of its DAC, Diversity Advisory Committee, and intentional efforts to positively impact access to camp and the experience of camp for all families. Whether this directly impacts your camper or not, it is an important component in a camp’s culture and community. Here are some questions to ask a director on diversity at camp:

  • How would you describe the diversity of your camp? Has it grown recently?
  • Does your camp have any official advisory, DEI professional, or DEI policy in place?
  • Do you offer DEI training to your staff members?
  • How does your camp approach gender identity and pronoun expression?

What does it mean to be accredited? 

To help reduce risk, Camp Runoia is voluntarily accredited by the American Camp Association (ACA). We follow standards pertaining to: program, site, facilities, transportation, vehicles, administration, personnel, and health care. If a camp holds a current ACA accreditation, it means that it has also been evaluated to meet the same rigorous set of standards as Runoia. Here are a few questions to ask about accreditation:

  • Is your camp currently accredited by the ACA?
  • Has there ever been a time recently when your camp was not accredited?

There are many factors to consider when looking to choose a camp, and each individual family and camper will have a unique set of ideas of what ‘camp’ should look and feel like to them. We hope you utilize these helpful questions in your next conversation with a camp director and wish you luck on your camp search!

Interested in Runoia? Reach out to request more information!

To the Runoia Journey: the 2023 Log Dedication by Eliza Schechter

This year’s log dedication to the Runoia journey is written by Eliza Schechter, who began at Runoia ten years ago, as ‘Eliza Mae’ Brown – for just one summer, she thought – and has since found her way back year after year, through Covid, moves, near impossible schedules, and earning her doctorate. 

Who better to share with us about the journey of Runoia?

Flash back to summer 2014, As I anxiously drive the mile down Point Road to a place I never knew existed until that year. That fall, I found an open position as “Head of Archery” and said “Sure, I can do that” even though I had little to no experience in a role like it.  I took a leap of faith – just as many of you did –  to join a summer camp I’ve never visited or had any prior connection to.

That summer was tough. I struggled to fit in and to connect with my campers.  But probably the most difficult task: filling the shoes of the prior, very well loved archery instructor, Ted. It was a roller coaster of a summer, my energy drained by the time I climbed into my little twin bed at the end of circle time. Nonetheless, I found myself wanting to do more and more as the days went on – like a camper waiting to tag up for the new block. It was a summer packed with accomplishments and I can now say I understand the struggle SV goes through when completing their plaques.

That first summer was very rewarding, but it was also tiring and sometimes overwhelming.  I felt comfortable leaving that summer with just my fond memories, and no plan to return.

And yet here I am in 2023, my 10th consecutive summer.

Runoia is the kind of place where you can grow.  You might climb mountains you never knew you could, shoot bullseyes with a bow you’ve never picked up before, ski on water when you just learned about waterskiing 5 minutes before that, you may create art you never knew you had the ability to, or climb the rock wall even when your afraid of heights.  You find new passions in activities you may have never done and you get to progress in those areas every year you return. 

I started going to a summer camp similar to Runoia when I was 7 years old and spent 10 years there as a camper, then CIT, and junior counselor.  Then I was lucky enough to be welcomed into this community for the next 10 years – from head of archery and a 6th shack counselor, to head of target sports and an Ocho counselor, to head of cabin, and now to residential life manager.  Harmony Land campers, junior and senior campers, CITs, staff, cabin counselors, directors, alumni, and everyone in between – this is the Runoia community that makes camp what it is. 


Therefore, I hereby dedicate the 2023 log to the Camp Runoia journey.  It looks different for everyone, but that journey will always be yours.


The Impact of Camperships – a guest blog by Dallas White

Dallas with her cabin mates and counselors during her first summer, 2013

One of the most special things about Camp Runoia is the strong scholarship (deemed ‘campership’ in our community) effort made by the CRAO – Camp Runoia Alumni Organization – that makes camp possible for so many campers every summer. What many don’t know about our program, however, is that our hope is to not only open the Runoia gates to those campers once, but to keep it open for years of camp and to bring them into our camp community for the rest of their lives. 

It’s often not a one-summer shot for our campers, but a multi-summer relationship built that often leads to participating in our CIT program and eventually joining our staff. 

One such community member at Runoia is former camper and current staff member Dallas White. Dallas was a long-time Runoia camper – 7 summers total – and is now an incredible advocate and proponent of camp and the CRAO campership program. We’re lucky that Dallas is still connected to the Runoia community and is here to share a piece of her camp and campership experience in this week’s blog: 

Incoming… Summer 2013. I want you to think about where you were, what you were doing, and what was the most significant thing going on for you at the time. For 9-year-old Dallas and her sister Dillan (age 13), thinking about if we were going to be able to attend sleep-away camp for the very first time felt like the end of the world.

We came from a single-parent household and sending both my sister and me to a sleep-away camp seemed nearly impossible. My sister and I had done many a day camp, but from our affluent peers, were constantly being bombarded about how much fun sleep-away is.

Learning how to rig a sailboat? We’d instead learn how to ride the subway system by ourselves first, being from the “big apple” and all. A sleep-away camp was simply a dream for the White-Haynes family.

However, my mom was not the type of person to give up so easily. She was going to make what my sister and I wanted so badly a reality. She got online and found Camp Runoia and immediately reached out to former owner, Pam Cobb, about what potential financial aid could be awarded to us. Elated, Cobb helped out my mom generously with a “campership” from The Betty Cobb Memorial Campership Fund pooled together by the Camp Runoia Alumni Organization (CRAO).

The BCMCF has been helping kids since the 1980s. And smiling from ear to ear, my sister and I’s most memorable summers had just begun. From the barn to the waterfront, we did everything – soaked up every moment.

There’s something truly magical about sleep-away camp that I truly believe every child should get to experience. It’s a feeling that never leaves you with memories that never fade.

-Dallas White, year 8 in 2023

Dallas now with old camp friend Pixie – both are back to work as counselors in 2023!

The impact of camp is unarguable. The impact of providing access to that experience inexplicable. We are so grateful for our incredible CRAO and the impact they’ve made!



Earth Day in the Runoia Community

The land that is now Camp Runoia was originally stewarded by the tribes of the Wabanaki Confederacy – the Penobscot, Passamaquoddy, Maliseet, and Mi’kmaq – and it is now our responsibility and honor to carry on the care of this land, on Earth Day and every day.

We start each ‘Fine Maine Day’ at Runoia with the following mantra: “Grant that we have safe and fun days, and that we respect each other, ourselves, and our planet.” We go on throughout our day with the gratitude for the water of Great Pond – conserved by the 7 Lakes Alliance, for the land so beautifully maintained by our maintenance director Tim Pearson, and for both the days full of sunshine and rain – knowing our planet needs both.

We are so fortunate that the campers and families that flock to Runoia are natural leaders and lovers of our earth. In former camper and counselor Grace Pratt’s 2019 log dedication to our planet, she said “Runoia is a magical place, but that magic wouldn’t be possible without the planet we live on.  Earth is our common ground, the reason we get to explore, grow, and connect.”

Knowing our community, we’re willing to bet that so many in our Runoia family will be putting the earth first this weekend for Earth Day – spending their days outside in gratitude, volunteering, doing whatever they can for our planet.

We invite our community to join us collectively to volunteer all around the world in honor of Earth Day – as our campers come from near and far, we know our reach has amazing potential! Wherever you call home this time of year, can you get out this weekend to help our planet?

Luckily, there are so many resources to find volunteer opportunities near you, and it’s not too late to join in the fun!

Here are some resources to help you volunteer or celebrate in:

Portland, Maine

New York City



New Jersey




If you can’t find something near you, can you be a leader and start your own event or group to clean up a local park, body of water, or trail?

If you make it out to help our earth this weekend, send a photo to to share!

Happy trails –

