💙 Valentine’s Day Gift Guide from Camp Runoia💌

For families and friends looking to share a little extra love this Valentine’s Day, why not gift something that reminds them of their happy place—Camp Runoia?! If you’re scrambling to find the perfect gift tonight, look no further! We’ve curated THE BEST Valentine’s Day gifts for Runoia campers. 💙 Whether they’re counting down the days until summer or holding onto those camp memories all year long, these gifts are perfect for any Runoia girl! Here are 10 picks guaranteed to come in handy this summer!

🎁 1. Runoia Merch & Apparel – Stay cozy with a Runoia hoodie, t-shirt, or hat! Check out our camp store for the latest gear and send any suggestions our way of things you’d like to see added!

🏷️ 2. Labels, Labels, Labels – Head over to our fundraiser at Mabel’s Labels (just click on the link and type in Camp Runoia) to get your own custom-made labels to claim dibs on all your camper’s items! Imagine the horror of getting the new water bottle of your dreams only to lose it on the first day of camp because your name isn’t on it (Part 2 below). That’s a nightmare we’re trying to avoid—let’s spread love, not terror!

🥤 3. Colorful Water Bottle with Handle – Arguably the most important item campers bring! Imagine being 10 again, walking back to your cabin after filling your water bottle at the ice-cold faucet by the dining hall. Your friend shouts, “Hey, wanna play some Gaga?” You toss your water bottle into the ferns and jump into the pit—sounds like an amazing camp memory, until you can’t find that water bottle after your win! Avoid the thirst disaster with a LABLED, colorful bottle that’s easy to spot!

🔥 4. Brightly Colored Crazy Creek Chair – Perfect for campfires, canoe trips, evening programs, and everyday use! Pro tip: The nontraditional colors are much easier to spot if you forget to label it, and your camper is on a hunt to find it! Check out the “original chair.”

📝 5. Camp-Themed Stationery & Stickers – Let your camper write letters home in style! These fill in the blank letter sheets work GREAT for our younger campers!

💎 6. Friendship Bracelet Kit – Because camp friendships last a lifetime, and nothing says “camp love” like handmade bracelets! Don’t forget the extra string AND extra letter beads!

💡7. Fun, battery operated portable LED bulbs- Kids can conveniently clip these onto their bunk beds when they need a light for some late-night reading! Hands free and a cute decoration!

🔦8. Headlamp/Flashlight– While the LED bulbs are fun, a traditional headlamp or flashlight cannot be beat! I mean, you can’t play flashlight tag with a light bulb!

🎐 9. Small, Portable Fan – For those hot summer days (we promise, they’re coming even if you’re currently shoveling snow). A small fan can make a world of difference! Don’t forget the batteries if it’s not rechargeable!

💌10. Pre-addressed envelopes and lots of stamps- You love that Runoia is tech free but wish you could hear more about what your camper is doing right? I totally get it. I guarantee they will send more letters home (and to Grandma and Titi Laura and Miss Sherman…) if you address the envelopes ahead of time. Feel free to throw on the stamps if you’d like, or pack extra stamps for camp.

🎟️ 🏕️Bonus! The Ultimate Gift—A Summer at Runoia! – There’s no better Valentine’s gift than the experience of camp! Secure your camper’s spot for an unforgettable summer. Enroll Now!



‘Insider Tips’ for first-time campers from Runoia’s returning families

In this week’s blog, we’re tapping in our greatest resource – CR’s returning families and campers – to provide their ‘insider tips’ for our first-time campers this summer.

Coming to overnight camp for the first time is an amazing, exciting, and overwhelming experience. Everything is new, and our first-year campers and families go through a quick learning process from their first phone call, to reading through our family handbook and newsletters, to their pre-camp check-in call, and finally to drop-off day. We do everything we can to prepare our first-time families for this new experience, but nothing can compare to getting all of the insider and unspoken tips and tricks straight from those who have ‘been there, done that!’

So we took to Instagram to ask our families:

“What’s one thing you wish you packed your first year OR isn’t on the packing list, but you consider a must-have at camp?” – here’s what campers and parents had to share:

  • Extras for the cabin and your space:
    • “Fairy light, fans, and photos” to decorate your bunk and make it your own
    • “A sleeping pad” to make bedtime a little more comfy and cozy
    • “A mirror, alarm clock, a light, a fan” for your bedside
    • “A camera” – our campers love digital cameras or polaroid cameras – so you can hang up your pictures right away!
    • A 4-summer parent shared that they pack “a surprise gift in her bag with a note from us”

  • The ‘must-have’ clothes and accessories:
    • “Costumes/spirit gear!”, “Face paint and temporary tattoos”, and “Something special for July 4th” (for our first-session campers)
      • pro-tip: first-time campers will pick their team in 2024, and will be a Bee or an Ellie for the rest of their Runoia days! Ellies don silver spirit gear, while the Bees sport indigo
    • “A Crazy Creek for sure!”
    • “Don’t forget your rainboots!”

Then, we asked: “What would you say to a first-time camper or parent who is feeling nervous about camp?”

  • Our campers shared their insights:
    • “It’s okay and normal to be nervous!”
    • “You forget you were even nervous at all by the time you wake up the first morning!”
    • “It’s the safest place ever!! And making friends is a breeze, they last a lifetime too”
    • “You will find people that feel like family and you can write so many letters!”
    • “Don’t worry! Everyone at camp is so, so nice”
    • “Even 20 years later, it was one of the best experiences I’ve had in my life.”
    • “It’s so very amazing”
    • “You will forget about your family in no time so have fun!”
    • “You’re about to have the best years of your life”
  • Our campers’ trusted adults shared their thoughts, too:
    • “Camp goes by so fast so don’t be afraid to be away from your kid/parent”
    • “It’s amazing and the kids adjust very quickly.”

Lastly, we asked folks to share their best tips for when they’re feeling homesick at camp:

    • Go to ‘your place’ at camp: “I go to the barn!”
    • “Find something to do or someone to talk to – don’t just sit in sadness”
    • “Talk to your friends and counselors”
    • “You’ll miss camp when you’re home so enjoy it while you’re there”
    • “It’s ok to cry! Write lots of letters home”
    • Distract yourself – “don’t think of home too much and go have fun with your friends!”
    • “I think – what would you be doing at home that’s more fun than what you’re doing here?!”
    • “Look at the photos you pinned up”

The best thing about Runoia is our community. It’s kind, tight-knit, and full of so many campers and staff who are ready and excited to help you. If you look for helpers at CR, you’ll find them around every corner – special thanks to the helpers who gave amazing tips for first-time campers this summer!

See you soon in Harmonyland,


Approaching the summer a little tentatively

As we approach the summer Camp Runoia season, the ‘experts,’ and media tell us that covid has generated more anxiety than is typical and that our kids may be feeling it the most. According to the CDC, “Children’s mental health during public health emergencies can have both short and long term consequences to their overall health and well-being.”  It makes sense that children who have spent intensive amounts of time as part of the family unit may be reluctant to leave that safe bubble and head off into an unknown new experience no matter how fun it sounds. It’s not just new campers who may be feeling a little more anxious, parents are often surprised when longer term campers  express fears or reluctance about returning to camp. While we want camp to feel like ‘home away from home’ it may take some campers a few days to get to that feeling.

There are only 85 days until we open Camp Runoia for the summer and it is typical at this time of year to hear from a few families that their camper may be having second thoughts or is more worried than they expected about coming to camp. Some anxiety about a new experience is to be expected but debilitating concerns or persistent worry is something that should be delved into a little more deeply.

Preparation for the adventure and discussion about what to expect can be great ways to reduce anxiety, answer questions and solve perceived problems that may be more hypothetical than real.

Campers can help to get ready for camp by:

  • Looking at the website and thinking about which activities they can’t wait to try.
  • Printing the packing list and choosing uniform and finding supplies.
  • Writing down their questions and emailing the directors.
  • Figuring out on the camp map where important places are.
  • Talking through some ‘what if’s’ and how camp handles them.
  • Connecting with returning campers and pen pals to get the inside scoop
  • Practicing skills that they will need at camp – bed making, laundry sorting, hair and teeth brushing, showering.
  • Trying to use a flashlight for reading at night.
  • Practice writing letters! It’s a great way for all the family to share news.
  • Start a mindfulness skills list and have campers think about what helps them if they are worried or need a minute to regroup.

At camp kids get constant human interaction in all aspects of their daily life. They can reconnect with nature and literally live in the out of doors away from technology. They build resilience and grit as they challenge themselves in a supportive environment, can explore problem solving, and also are encouraged to have a ‘can do’ or ‘I’m not good at it yet’ attitude. For most campers anxieties about the experience typically evaporate once they are busy and engaged with camp life. There may be a few that need a little more help and our skilled team of experienced, senior staff along with our support specialist work closely to help campers reduce anxiety and have a great time. 

In this article the American Camp Association suggests that camp is a great antidote to the Covid pandemic. Camp offers kids the unique opportunity to step back into a simpler time, with no internet connection. A place where a small community can join together and support one another without judgment, simply because it’s the right thing to do. Campers benefit from being out of their homes, playing with other kids, being challenged and nurtured as they adventure into a new experience. 

It’s not only three weeks away from home, it’s only three weeks at Runoia!

We wish summer lasted so much longer.

A trunk or not a trunk? That is the question!

Camp packing tips

As we are just a couple of weeks away from the opening of the first session we are fielding a lot of questions about packing. For new families it can feel a little overwhelming to organize everything that a camper may need for her time at camp. Once everything is collected the challenge then is to fit it all into two pieces of luggage!

Top tips:

Use the Runoia packing list

Remember that space is limited

Name everything – sharpie works well

Don’t go overboard with extra

Make sure your camper knows what she has

Each camper may bring 2 large items of luggage, typically 2 duffles or a trunk and a duffle. Super packers can get everything into one giant trunk or duffle but remember to try and keep weights under 50lbs our staff have to move all the luggage!

Trunks are helpful but not necessary as campers get shelves in a dresser and bookshelves on the wall as well as areas to hang things. If campers plan to attend camp over the next few summers it may be worth investing in a trunk for easy access and extra storage. The trunk we recommend is a Seward 30” trunk available at Target, Walmart, Amazon, etc. With or without wheels is fine.

The parent handbook has some guidance for packing 

Can’t fit everything in? Renting linen from camp is a great option for those that are travelling from far away or want extra space for other things. With cot sized sheets, blankets and a pillow it make it an easier option for some families. Just let us know if you would like bed linen adding to your daughters account.

Remember that some of the joy of camp and a part of the learning experience is that it is not like home so you don’t need everything that you own to survive. At camp, we play, have fun, get dirty and are busy all day long. We manage to navigate the experience with what we have. There is a library full of books to borrow, cards and board games galore for free time and plenty of dress up clothes for fun events. We are creative with what we have and can devise entertainment from the world around us.

Pack well, don’t stress the small stuff, your camper will have a blast even in odd socks and a mismatched outfit.

See you soon, we can’t wait for our 115th season on Great Pond!

Rain boots not only for rainy days but for dewy morning grass!