Maine the way life should be

So you just dropped the kids off at overnight camp in Maine now what?  Three or four weeks with no children to entertain can be liberating.   If you are not jetting off to Europe or racing back to work, you may want to enjoy the local area at least for a few days.  With the tag line ‘Vacationland’ Maine is the perfect place to be in the summer so why not extend your camp drop off or pick up trip and have a few days of relaxation and vacation time before heading back south.

With a myriad of things to do or not do Maine provides opportunity for everyone,  from the outdoor enthusiast to those that love nothing more than a beautiful view and a good book.  With places that are great to take the kids and places to just have some quality adult time, Maine really does have it all.  Here is a brief snap shot of some of our favorite places to visit.

In the summers E.B. White spent time writing on the shores of Great Pond – we have the ‘White House’ at Runoia.


Local to Camp Runoia

The beautiful and peaceful Belgrade Lakes region has all of the quintessential charm of lake life.  Renting a cottage on one of the large and quiet lakes is a perfectly relaxing choice.  The village hosts a number of interesting curio type shops and some great food experiences.  Days Stores has everything you never knew you needed including Lakeside Scoops Ice Cream.  Our friend Shari is always cooking up a storm at Hello Good Pie – it’s not just pie! and the Village Inn is also an excellent dining option.  Ranked best public course in Maine and with a world class view the Belgrade Lakes golf course is worth a round.  Spend a few days hanging out in the local area and you’ll be feeling relaxed and rejuvenated  in no time.

Bar Harbor/Acadia National Park

A little further afield but worth the drive up 95, the bustling coastal town of Bar Harbor is a great place to stay and check Maine’s National Park off your ‘must see’ list.  From car camping to deluxe accommodations, hiking to scenic drives there is something for everyone.  Acadia’s Mt Cadillac boasts the earliest sunrise in the US and we are pretty fond of biking on the carriage trails around the park.

Disclaimer you really can’t get a lobster for 99c these days!

Portland – Foodie City

If you don’t have time for a long stay and are heading back south as soon as drop off is done at least take time to stop for a bite to eat in Portland.  The little city of the east coast has fast become a food haven with so many choices everyone will be happy.  Got a little more time? Shop the Old Port, take a stroll at the most photographed lighthouse – the Portland Head Light, take the ferry out to Peaks Island or visit one of the many attractions in town the Victoria Mansion and Museum of Art are always popular.

This is obviously just a few of the spectacular Maine opportunities.  Hopefully on the way too and from Camp Runoia you will have time to enjoy our great state. Still need inspiration? We have a Pinterest board for that!

We can’t wait to see you this summer.

Vacation boredom – the art of learning to entertain yourself

Our kids are generally kept very busy with school, sports, extracurricular lessons, homework, play dates and hopefully some family time squeezed in.  Their schedules often need a PA and chauffeur to manage them and if there is any free time technology seems to be the quick and easy filler.  Free time seems to evoke anxiety and cries of boredom or having absolutely nothing to do.

We just barely survived winter break with very few concrete plans and only some skiing on our ‘to do’ agenda. There was a lot of free, unscheduled time.  It seems that life for kids is much easier and time flies by so much faster when every minute is planned for them.  Even though the time away from school was much sought after, suddenly hours with nothing to do makes the days seem endless and ‘boring.’

Life doesn’t always have to be planned and goal driven, it is good for our brains and especially for our kids to have space and time to contemplate their next move or in fact to not do much at all.  While boredom may generate some negative emotions and in my kids case a bunch of whining and complaining it can result in new motivation and a desire to change track and reengage with tasks that we then gain pleasure from.  Boredom can build self-reliance, creativity and self-motivation.  Giving kids an opportunity to plan their own day, make their own choices and figure out a strategy to provide for their own happiness is a great skill builder.  Check out this NY Times article for more support of letting children experience boredom.

There is always time at Camp Runoia to read a good book.

At camp free time is intentionally built into our day so that girls have the space to think about what they would like to do and to fill their own time.  There are organized opportunities provided like rec swim or a bracelet making party along with plenty of opportunities for spontaneous play be it in the gaga pit, on the courts or just around the cabin or in the woods.  Girls may also choose to hang out in the Lodge and look at the logs, read a book or play a board game with friends.  Often they can be found sitting on porches chatting or having fun with friends or visiting a sister or cousin in a different shack.  Campers never seem to be bored at camp. They engage with each other, with adults and with their environment and take advantage of the opportunities provided to keep themselves engaged.

Making friendship bracelets in free time.

We are really doing our children a favor when we let them have the opportunity to get ‘bored,’ maybe we need to schedule boredom in more often during the school year!


Organize Don’t Agonize! KonMari and Packing for Camp

Have you been on the Marie Kondo trend of KonMari? Do you find that you are organizing your own world to spark joy in your life? Start the summer camp packing off right and begin to organize now!

What we know is getting your child involved in the process of preparing for Camp Runoia is a great way to have them engaged and thinking positively – probably excitedly – about camp. Find our official packing list  and outfitter Lands’ End and organize now for a successful packing experience later this spring.

Figure out your budget and then give your “camper” options. For instance:

Trunk or a duffel or both?

There’s room for small trunks like ones you can order here  Trunks easily organize your campers’ belonging throughout the summer with a built in tray for smaller items on top. Trunks also are fun to decorate with stickers – a great way to involve your camper.

Alternatively, or in addition, LL Bean has sturdy duffels making packing a breeze and organize items for camp now.

Leggings or Jeans? Tanks or Tees?

Both leggings and jeans are useful at camp for the late afternoon/evening when the mosquito comes out. See our complete packing list on your forms dashboard and order your insect repellent here.  The biggest tip is Maine weather requires layers to be comfy. Cool mornings, hot afternoons and warm evenings are typical at Runoia. Don’t forget a rain jacket and Wellies!

A $5-10 shower caddy will help her organize her shower supplies when she heads to the “Soapies”. You can find it at the magic store or stores like Target

Water bottle – Two water bottles are a must for camp.

Don’t forget to pull out your Sharpie to label everything or order cool and fun labels from Mabel’s Labels

Have fun and let us know if you have any questions or discover some of your own tips along the way 🙂

Happy Packing!

Transferable Skills – Why Camp Matters

“It is at camp I found a purpose. It is at camp I felt I belonged. It is at camp I had a passion for learning.” – shared thoughts from an anonymous campers’ campfire talk

As we have learned from Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs in A Theory of Human Motivation once basic needs are met, people can develop a higher level of functioning. The self-actualization that is allowed at camp after basic needs are met can be astounding. Leadership opportunities abound, recognition for accomplishment, motivation to set higher goals in activities and leadership roles all continue to develop and grow as campers grow with our camp.


The skills gained at camp, ultimately are transferable to other aspects of life including school, work, career, family, exploration, continual learning and more. It’s the perseverance, the patience, the process, the people and the collaboration that adds to the 21stcentury skills. It’s the trying and failing and trying again until you get it or get better that correlates with Dweck’s Growth Mindset.

Campers who experience a spectrum of activities and start to gain skills in a few focused ones (sailing, riding, archery, tennis, art, swimming and also social skills, peer recognition) have the opportunity to continue growth, development, gain recognition, set goals, meet and exceed goals through the hands on experience at camp, the coaching and encouragement and the adults who will help you realize your potential. Campers help other campers gain skills and realize their potential motivates some campers as well – being the teacher to a younger camper can be inspirational. The process itself is inspirational.

Knowing not everything comes easily but try and try again with the support and encouragement of others will build skills campers will carry with them for a lifetime. And, camp is fun in
the process. Yes! Some campers miss home and experience homesick feelings.  Discover how time away from home and from parents can help a child to grow to allay your worries with Michael Thompson’s book Homesick and Happy

What a better way to build your child’s growth experience.  Check out summer at Camp Runoia and give your daughter the gift that keeps on giving – for a lifetime.

The Value of Unplugging

More and more the catalyst for unplugging from screens and technology comes from adults who see the tendency, or even the addiction, in their children to turn on screens during out of school time.  Even children are realizing that their draw to screens is an unhealthy habit.

Life is simpler without technology.

Camp  is a great opportunity to unplug, let go of the technological ties and hone 21st century skills. Not only is the actual unplugging valuable but knowing that you can survive when you put down your phone, tablet or gaming device is valuable to children gaining confidence in unplugging.  There is little conflict with detaching as everyone in the community is unplugged. Can you imagine going for weeks without even seeing a smart phone?

Face to Face contact and communication is a wonderful by-product of the unplugged experience, whether it’s working out differences on the gaga court or celebrating achievements on the tennis court or getting to know a new friend through friendly interaction around the cabin.  At camp adults and children of all ages have meaningful interactions throughout the day.

There is a plethora of research and scientific studies showing the detriment of too much screen time. School movie screenings of Screenagers is touring the country to help parents help students to navigating the digital world. Additional information in the film about screen habits of escape, anonymous behavior, attention-seeking is also mind bending. Film director Dr. Ruston’s blog helps parents with ongoing education and support in their families  including but not limited to addiction, pornography, self-control, ideas for after school activities, conversations on health and mental health, discussion about college and more.

What we know is that Camp Runoia is an organic screen-free zone. After a couple of days of adjustments to not having smart phones campers feel relieved to be unplugged, it is a relief to not have to keep up with social media or group texts and feel present and connected to other people at camp.

Sharing achievements with friends at Camp Runoia.

Join us today for a summer experience that allows your daughter to drop the phone and find a friend.

The inside scoop on Camp Runoia

As we continue delving into how you find the perfect sleep away camp for your child it is definitely advantageous to get the ‘inside scoop.’  Once you have narrowed down your camp list to your top two choices talking with parents and campers is a great way to figure out which one is the perfect fit for your child.  Word of mouth referrals give a real perspective of a camps culture and value.  Candid conversations with current parents can help you to get a real feel for the place and the people.

Here’s what some of our 2018 parents had to say about Camp Runoia and why they and their daughter’s love it:

  • S’s highlight was water sports, particularly the “dot,” sailing, and tubing. She also loved tennis, archery and riding. She also loved meeting new people, being mixed up at mealtime at different tables. She loved making connections with older campers who had written to her as pen pals a great tradition.
  • Being white team captain (and all the other amazing camp experiences!!). As always, she is still talking nonstop about all the fun she had.
  • Both our girls seemed to have fully inhabited the physical space of camp. The freedom to do so much good healthy stuff all day long was fantastic. Ropes course and waterfront were much talked about.

She loved all her counselors.

  • Her cabin mates, she had a blast and has made incredible lifelong friends. It’s really special we are so grateful.
  • She was so excited about sailing. She drew us diagrams and explained all the terminology. She enjoyed all the activities and the girls with whom she shared the experiences.
  • For me, it was great fun to see her participating in a sailing major this session. She loved getting to know the girls in her shack.

She came home with more independence with personal care.

  • She loved trying all the new activities she wished she would of stayed longer to try all the activities. Definitely was very happy with all the activities she managed to do this summer
  • Greatly appreciated the quality of the counselors and their simultaneous focus on girls and readiness to reassure if I was worried.
  • Definitely improved her swimming in the 12 days of camp, which we appreciated. She benefited from tennis and riding instruction as well.

The awards and being able to experience different and new activities was very positive. She was very proud of all her awards 🙂

  • I am SO impressed with the academic caliber of the counselors. They are obviously intelligent in academics and also have a generous spirit to share with their girls.
  • She had a wonderful experience gained independence and increased confidence. As she enters 3rd grade she is really showing a sign of maturity that she hadn’t last year. I do believe it is part from her experience at camp.
  • Communication is EXCELLENT in all areas. I am always confident that T is safe, happy and in good hands. Any and all communications have been clear and prompt, whenever we have needed extra help with our girls in particular it has been handled incredibly well.

If you want a copy of our current family reference list so that you can get the inside scoop give us a call 207 495 2228 our parents are happy to chat about why they continue choosing Camp Runoia for their daughter.

The path to the lake at Camp Runoia in Belgrade Lakes, Maine.

Girls only!

Single gender or co-ed? how do you choose the right option?

Many prospective families are curious as to what makes an all-girls, overnight experience special or at least different to a co-ed camp.  Single gender camps have long been a tradition in youth camping.  The majority of the earliest programs were established just for boys or for girls only.  We imagine that back in 1907 when Ms. Weiser and Ms. Pond were establishing Camp Runoia for Girls it was likely highly frowned upon for boys and girls to be camping out in the Maine woods together!  We relish our long and strong tradition of girls attending sleep away camp in Maine and primarily being led by women.

A history of female leadership.

So why do girls enjoy a single gender experience? Many Runoia campers welcome a change in dynamic from their co-ed schools.  Often girls will say that they can be themselves at camp.  They enjoy not feeling any pressure to look or dress a certain way.  At camp the playing field is even and all opportunities are available to everyone.  There are no gender specific activities and the prevailing sense is that girls can do anything.  With the majority of the staff also being female there are many different types of role models and the opportunity to learn from slightly older young women who are in college.

Once you pass the Camp Runoia gate you’ve made a little date with fate.

There is a perfect camp fit for every child and a myriad of options to choose from. Focusing on your child’s strengths and personality traits rather than the perception of what a ‘perfect’ camp may be will help to narrow down those choices.   Your old summer camp that you attended 30 years ago may be perfect for the next generation or they may be better suited to a different opportunity.  Knowing where your child will thrive best and then asking questions to see if the camps you are choosing will be a good match is crucial to everyone’s happiness.

We are always happy to chat about what makes Runoia a special place for girls to grow and you can check out our philosophy on our website.

Rules and regulations

Once you have narrowed down your camp search it is great to delve a little deeper into the operations management of the organization.  Be prepared to ask some specific questions about how the management ensures the safety of it’s campers and the reliability of it’s programs. How are the camps that you are interested in sticking to the rules and regulations that are in place to effectively ensure that the camp is safe and credible?

Operating a seasonal summer camp isn’t just all swimming in the lake and s’mores around the campfire there are a number of agencies that govern how camps are managed particularly focusing on the health and safety of the children and staff. In Maine camps must be licensed through the State  and there are a series of State laws that govern basic operations along with minimum standards required to get a license and operate as a youth camp.

Safety should always come first. Camp Runoia girls are well prepared for their adventures.

A camp may meet the basic State standards but then there are also best practices in the camping profession.  The American Camping Association is the national governing body for youth camping and it has it’s own established set of guidelines for ensuring consistent quality in the programs that it oversees.  This ACA Accreditation has been a long tradition at Camp Runoia.  Not only have we maintained our compliance since the 1960’s we also have many years of being visitors and experiencing the opportunity to check out other camp programs.  This reciprocal peer process is a great learning opportunity for both parties and allows sharing of ideas and best practices from a wide variety of programs.  Our programs are designed around the ACA standards of best practice and we strive to operate above and beyond any minimal standards.

Once you’ve narrowed down your camp search and checked out some great websites talking with the Camp Director initially by phone then ideally in person at a home visit or camp tour is next for getting your questions answered.  This great Newsweek article helps define a little more why asking the right questions is important and the value of choosing a camp that has been accredited by the ACA.

If you are still wondering if overnight camp is the right choice for your child check out this short video about the impact of camp in a child’s development ‘the impact of camp lasts forever

As always give us a call or shoot us an email if you want to chat more about camp for your child, we love helping families to find the best fit.

The Value of the Camp Experience

My nine year old daughter is starting to have more sleepovers this year, and I realized her courage about sleepovers and skills about respecting other peoples’ space or room, came from living in a group setting at Runoia.

At Runoia one of the many life skills campers learn is how to live with a group of people and how to work with a bunk mate. Learning how live in a communal living environment isn’t something you learn without living it out in real life. You have to actually do it to get good at it! Learning the skills needed to be patient with your roommate, or respect someone’s space before their first day of boarding school or college is a gift camp provides.

Some children who go to camp have never had to share a room with others. Camp provides the lessons through counselors’ gentle reminders of “respect others” or “think of others”. On the first night of camp individuals of each cabin group sign a community contract, making sure the ideas and goals on how to respect people’s personal space, our camp, the environment and each other are shared.  Cabin groups, with their counselors’ guidance, refer to the contract when they need a boost about living together.

The night owls learn to keep things quiet after the lights go out, and girls who are up before the “wake up bell” learn to respect people still sleeping. Campers learn to do their chores and feel a sense of accomplishment leaving their clean cabin for the day.

Some peoples’ perception of summer camp is that it’s just about learning how to horseback ride or pass a swim level (and of course these things are an amazing part of summer camp). However, there are life lessons learned from the moment they wake up in the morning and throughout the day about sharing space, respecting others and learning how to live in harmony with others. Camp Runoia provides life skills at their best.

Jai Cobb Kells – Assistant Director Camp Runoia


The Camp Decision – Is it Time? And Which Camp?!

After a lot of thought… discussions… reading every parent blog online … multiple calls to friends who had gone away to sleep-away camp, we finally decided to send Mati to camp.   She had never slept away from home at anyone’s house, so it was quite a decision-making process.

Researching and Deciding Was Intense!

Once we made up our mind, all the fun began.  Matilde was turning 9 and was leaving for three weeks to Maine.   She was so excited!   Not once during her 3-week stay, nor any time before, did she ever feel sad.  Quite the opposite!  Matilde absolutely loved her camp experience and hasn’t stopped talking about it since!  She discovered the carefree joy of friendship, crafts, sports, playing, singing, all within the most beautiful setting possible. She also learned responsibility with her daily chores and appreciated the comforts of home (air conditioning).

By far a great gift for any girl :).  So much was new; so much was fun!

Today we are happy to be able to send our youngest daughter along this summer as well.

Julián & Andrea Gómez