Camp Was My Hogwarts – Guest Blog by Jamie Cluchey

jamie-and-josieThis afternoon, I was doing some pre-winter organizing and came across my “camp box” in the basement. This box — full of letters from camp friends, letters that my mom saved from my camper days, special crafts, and the best childhood memories any girl could hope for — is literally busting at the seams. Over the course of 4 housing moves in the last 10 years, I’ve tossed old school memorabilia, clothes, and so much of the other “stuff” that accumulates over the course of a childhood. But this box has stayed with me. Each time I’ve packed my things, I’ve stumbled on this box and thought about how much fun it will be for my future children to sort through these memories when they’re about to embark on their own camping experiences. I still remember rainy days spent with my mom, reading through her old Runoia autograph books, singing from her song book, and hearing stories inspired by the pictures and notes that she keeps close to her heart.

My love of camp started young…possibly in utero. I was raised on camp songs and attempts to re-create the perfect congo bar. When I first read Harry Potter, I completely related to how he felt when he found out that he was going to Hogwarts, because that is exactly how I felt when I learned it was time for me to start camp. Camp was my Hogwarts. And, honestly, it still is. I’ve been to many camps during the last 20 years, and have worn many hats. I suppose there must be something in that box from every one of those camp experiences. But 18 months ago, I put on a new camp hat — that of a future camp parent.

I had a daughter. This little girl, full of spunk and sass and an independent spirit, has given me such a new perspective on the importance of camp. I can’t wait for Josie to go to camp (granted, right now going away for a weekend gives me angst, so there’s some growth on both our parts that needs to happen in the next 7 or 8 years). I can’t wait for her to live on her own in a cabin with friends, to learn new activities, to develop her leadership, communication, collaboration, problem solving skills. But most of all? I can’t wait for her to have counselors in her life. These young women, still developing their own beliefs and life paths, are truly what makes the camp world go ‘round. I can tell you first hand that 90% of the people I still, to this day (at 33 and 11/12 years old), want to be like when I grow up are my camp counselors. The exhilarating feeling when a former counselor likes my post about parenting — I feel so (possibly unreasonably) proud to know that they think I’m doing a good job!

A week or two ago, I was on social media and came across a conversation between two veteran Runoia counselors. They were talking about current events, and clearly both felt great passion about the subject. I’m not sure that I can even pinpoint what it was about their discussion — the respectful tones they used, their ability to truly “listen” to each other and respond in a way that honored the observations of the other, or just the fact that these intelligent, strong, thoughtful young women were empowered enough to share their views in a public forum — whatever the reason, this conversation brought tears to my eyes. The thought of my daughter one day developing relationships with role models just like these two incredible women…there is truly nothing greater I could ever wish for my girl.

As her mom, it is my responsibility to prepare Josie as best I can to face all of the good and bad that life throws her way. I cannot think of a better way to arm a young girl to tackle the world than to surround her with the strong, positive, spirited role models that she will find in her counselors at camp. So the box remains in the basement because one day it will be very fun to look through it with my daughter. But the memories? The hundreds of relationships that have endured? I keep them right with me. And I can’t wait for the day that my daughter will be able to go to camp and create her own.

Thanks Alumna, Jamie Cluchey, for being our guest blogger this week! If you would like to share your Runoia experiences, memories or writing, please go to our alumnae page: and scroll to the bottom and click on the email to contact our editor, Aionur!

Giving Thanks

Gratitude – by Jeannie Fleming-Gifford

It is here. It is the time of year when we are expected to take a deep breath and stop and consider why we are thankful. Why are YOU thankful?

I, like many, will pause and reflect on my health, my family, the fact that I have a safe place to dwell, food on my table and my freedom to worship as I choose and to speak my mind freely.

As a mother, I easily turn my thoughts to my 9-year old daughter as well.

Raising a child is certainly an adventure that, most days, we are grateful for. The ability to see the world through new, energized, optimistic eyes…the ability to know that our child may further impact the good work in the world which each of us sets out to do.  These things make parenting a wonderful, tiring, awesome, enthralling adventure.

As we delve into the holidays and the darkness of winter and cold that often accompanies these days, it is with fondness that I remember my gratitude for experiences like Runoia and its significance on my daughter and the other girls who find a second home in Belgrade Lakes, ME, each summer.

For 7 magical weeks of summer, there is a place where girls can go and be surrounded with the good of the world that will only make them grow stronger, supporting them in becoming the best people which they can be. Rich in the tradition and history of its camp founders, Miss Weiser and Miss Pond, Runoia provides the support, respect and confidence needed for girls to develop and grow strong.

There are abundant opportunities for girls to take risks – to take flight – from water skiing for the first time to archery to overnight excursions. There is independence within a safe, supportive setting.  There are caring adults ensuring physical health. There are ample opportunities for physical explorations which promote health and wellness. And food? There are fresh vegetables and fruit, sprinkled with the sweetness of birthday cake which is delivered with song and smiles.

As the sun sets on each day of opportunity, there is time for reflection as girls connect about the day’s successes and those things which they will strive for again tomorrow. And as darkness falls, there is calm and quiet – except for the loons. As good nights are said and cabin lights dim, there is always a presence of gratitude.

Runoia is place which exudes gratitude for life.

Wishing you and yours a blessed day of thankfulness.


Camps As Socializing Agents

Coming Together as a Team
The Camp Experience and Coming Together as a Team

What does camp as socializing agents mean and why does it matter? Coming together at camp, where everyone is treated equally levels the playing field no matter what neighborhood you live in or school you attend. When you spend a few weeks of your year with peers and older and younger children where you live together, play together and work things out together, try new things together or support someone else trying something new – you get to know people very well.

When you spend your days overcoming a challenge together – be it scaling a difficult mountain, crossing the “Peanut Butter Pit” or righting a capsized sailboat, the experience draws you closer. When you spend the summer living in a cabin group where everything from sharing the duties of “shack” clean up to planning for a competition for Evening Program and then having an evening dance party together afterwards makes you a team.

Sports and Team Building Build Lifelong Friends
Sports and Team Building Build Lifelong Friends

Getting out of socialization cycles means walking in someone else’s shoes or at least glimpsing what that walk for someone else may be like in their world outside of camp.  Creating allies at camp with thoughts and feelings like “I’ve got your back” or “I’m a stand-up girl helping another girl” lets children understand through experience that they can affect change and not create enemies because of differences. It teaches them they

can be part of the solution.  Sure, our girls have conversations about prejudice; unequal pay for equal work for women, Black Lives Matter and other important social topics and just being at camp makes a difference; being with a group of different people in a culture where everyone is respected and everyone gets a turn makes a difference. Camp is a place where everyone eats the same food, sleeps in the same cabins, uses the same bathrooms. There is no social-economic advantage at camp. You do your morning job and look forward to the fun activities and learning you’ll experience with your friends on any given day.

We’ve talked a lot about camp being a place where people can be their true selves, where the value of camp has increased due to aspects like “unplugging” and building 21st century skills. Now add to that as the United States experiences a new era of civil rights, campers are talking about what’s it like to grow up in a my neighborhood, why strong female characters are an important part of growing up and why role models make a difference in our lives – that’s value added that grows better citizens as well as profound experiences together.

If you’d like to explore ideas about teaching your children about social justice and why it matters, check out this article from Edutopia  and American Camp Association’s idea of camps as social justice platforms or perhaps you are a teacher or youth educator? Check out 10 activities to work with youth on social justice:

Making the world a better place, one camper at a time!

Until next week,


Maintaining standards in residential camping

American Camp Association Accreditation

This week was our  American Camp Association Accreditation visit which after much preparation went off without a hitch. It is a peer review by other camp directors to ensure that we are maintaining the highest standards of health and safety in the camping industry. Did you know that Camp Runoia has been an accredited ACA camp since 1960 and that we continuously run our programs to the industry standards that are provided?

“The American Camp Association is the only nationwide organization that accredits children’s camps.  The ACA Accreditation process is a voluntary commitment by camps to the highest standards of health, safety, and program quality.


One purpose of the ACA Accreditation program is to educate camp owners and directors in the administration of key aspects of camp operation, particularly those related to program quality and the health and safety of campers and staff.  The standards establish guidelines for needed policies, procedures, and practices.  The camp is then responsible for the ongoing implementation of the policies.” (From ACANE)

At Camp Runoia we are incredibly proud to be able to provide a high quality, residential camp experience for our campers and employee’s. Safety first!

IMG_6287 (2)

Tell your friends and family about the sleep away opportunity that we provide.

Enrollment for 2017 will be opening soon and new camper spaces will be in high demand!

Maine living at Camp Runoia

Fine Maine Days

Our second session here at Camp Runoia has started off splendidly. The first session girls all made it home safely and our new arrivals are fully settled in.  We have girls from so many different places.  Our English campers finally got out of school and flew on over, we have an alumnae daughter from Japan and also girls from as far away as Hong Kong and Vietnam.  The continental US is well represented from CA girls to those from FL and a whole heap from our great state of Maine.

skiOur days have been glorious.  Warm and sunny although sometimes a little windy for skiing so some of the girls have been enjoying sneaking out a little early to get out on Great Pond before breakfast.  There have been no complaints about waking up before the bell.  There is something magical about getting up before everyone else and enjoying the solitude on the lake.

Our second session of Harmony Land Camp for our youngest campers is half way finished. They’ve been enjoying all the camp activities and having fun times with their counselors. We hope they will return next summer!

Trips have already gone out and returned with tales of adventure and s’mores around the campfire.  Projects have been started,  we are growing food, shooting at targets, climbing the wall, riding horses, are out in boats and generally busy as we can be all the way through our fun and entertaining  EP’s.  EPThere is much anticipation for the new campers picking their blue and white teams this weekend and lots of speculation about how captain elections will turn out. We are filling our days to the max and enjoy falling asleep to the sounds of the loons after long and productive days

It is always a “Fine Maine Day’ for building life skills.

Keep the letters coming our campers love to get mail from family and friends.

Sending you our love from Great Pond,


Beginnings and endings

Endings and new beginnings

It is amazing how much we cram into a week at camp!  What a diversity of experiences there have been in the past few days.  Even the weather has kept us on or toes with moderate winds to dead calm and baking sun to a cool rainy day.  We have had new beginnings every day and very happy endings.

For EP we have been energetic at the scavenger hunt and chilled out at campfire, really tacky during everyone’s favorite ‘Ms Tacky Runoia’ and talented at our very own Runoia’s got talent’s show the Voice and USA gymnastics team had better watch out!

Team captains were chosen with the ‘A’ team of Ally and Anna leading the Whites and  Z and Eliza managing the Blues.  All of the girls that chose to run for the position gave great speeches at assembly and were commended for having the courage to ‘give it a go.’  Soccer games were already played with many more activities to compete in this coming week.

IMG_2444We have seen so many firsts as girls tried new things, met new people and adventured far and wide and we are beginning to see some of the lasts for our oldest campers.  Painting their boards to put up in the boat house was bitter sweet.

Perhaps the most meaningful moment of the week was our youngest and newest group of campers the ‘Harmony Land Camp’ girls sharing their love with the graduating senior village girls.  It was the first Runoia campfire for the HLC girls and the last as campers for our graduates.  A very meaningful moment as traditions are passed along and legacies left to the next generation.  Harmony Land Camp is our new short session taster program for 7 and 8 year old girls and it is already a big hit.

HLC at Nina's

We will make the most of our last 5 days of first session and are already anticipating the ‘see you next summer’ goodbyes as we hug those we now call our ‘summer sisters.’


See you soon!


What’s New This Week?

Hi Families! What’s on our mind about news today is the events of the past week. New in 2016, we are posting our news here in the blog rather than sending home a paper newsletters. Enjoy!

Runoia Girls Learn All Day!
Runoia Girls Learn All Day!

Camp started off with the most amazing and beautiful whether we have ever had. Activities roared into high gear as campers were eager to climb, ride, sail, hike, make art, play tennis, do archery and riflery, windsurf, canoe, kayak and head out on trips.

Trips headed to the wilderness this week included: 6th shack backpacking on Saddleback and canoers paddled on Umbagog. Saddleback is on the famous Appalachian Trail and Umbagog is a quiet lake on the Canadian border.

Runoia Gals Exploring Maine
Runoia Gals Exploring Maine

The 2nd Shack crew had a lovely evening at Fairy Ring and enjoyed S’mores for dessert. 4th Shack canoed to Oak Island and camped out enjoying pizza soup, pancakes in the morning and returned in time to go to major classes.

Do you know what your daughter’s major was this past week? Major classes run 5 periods over the week allowing your daughter to build progressive skills in the activity. If news is slow to come from your daughter.

Majors at Runoia are MAJOR!
Majors at Runoia are MAJOR!

Reflection: Have you been tuned into the Growth Mindset in education. Growth vs Fixed Mindset is inspiring teachers in the classrooms across the country and guess what????? Growth mindset has been a thing at youth camps for over 100 years! Reflection and intentionality, including personal accountability, are tools we use at the beginning of our majors week (goal setting) and reflection happens at the end of most classes and “circle up” is part of the end of the day in shack groups throughout camp. Taking the time to set goals, reflect on what was accomplished and re-think what you want to accomplish next cements the learning process into lifelong skills.

Here’s one educators take on Growth Mindset: We at Runoia proudly believe in camp as a key part of youth development and building 21st century skills. Read our blog on Why Camp? AND – we have fun this week! This week in Evening Program we played

Ta da! Prestidigitation - a word of the day this week!
Ta da! Prestidigitation – a word of the day this week!

Run Sheepy Run, had Lip Synching contests, Song Trivia, The Laundry Bag Game, Mostest, Broom Hockey, Gaga Tournaments, Chill Out EP and more!

Happy Fourth of July! We can’t wait to share with you what we experience after another full week of camp!


Love, Aionur

Dedication to the Camp Runoia Dining Hall

In the center of camp is a special place. Its hub endures the hustle and bustle of Camp Runoia’s daily flow. We greet it with the pattering of feet as we fall out from flag raising and it shudders at the end of the day as milk gets spilled upon its floors and crackers crumble into happy mouths. We sing and fill the rafters with graces, bobos and birthday songs.

Camp Runoia 1950s DIning Hall
Camp Runoia – 1930s DIning Hall

Where else besides cabins do we spend two and a half hours almost every day with an assorted group of random people? Where else could you find thousands of red and white flowered and plain squares? Like a silent movie, benches and chairs get moved in and out, up on top of tables and down again. It is only furniture but it’s furniture that fills its innards with substance and fortitude.

The Dining Hall is the Center of our Days at Camp
The Dining Hall is the Center of our Days at Camp

Probably the person who spent the most time within its screened walls was Johnny.  For 54 summers Marion “Johnny” Johnson sat regally reigning from the corner of the Runoia Dining Hall by the flagpole at Table 5. To date, some of her special sayings are shared in that very same corner. Betty’s Table became, and still is, an icon of good manners, quietly closing doors, trying new foods and cleaning plates. Counselors who return to camp for a couple years adopt their own table and create their own legacies with the campers who share meals around them.

From the 1950s to the 2010s - Camp Runoia's Dining Hall Stands Proud!
From the 1950s to the 2010s – Camp Runoia’s Dining Hall Stands Proud!

Betty and Diane raised their newborn children under her eaves. Alex, K and other camp parents over the summers have done the same. Campers have laughed, cried, screamed, and shrieked with delight amidst the pine paneling.  The hum of the water cooler adorned with the magically changing poster provides a watering hole for many.  Each corner has its own echo, each it’s own feeling. Late night sardines has been played in all the nooks and crannies. Dances and casino halls, specialty restaurants and rainy day games have transformed her façade at times. Snacks, studying for JMG, package surprises, the mail bag, counselors’ coffee and board games have all been part of its personality.  On its walls, some over 100 years old, banners and posters, signs and memorabilia hang to be seen by all. It is the epicenter of our daily sustenance, the Mother Ship of our excursions, the source of many good times and tastes.

The 2006 Log is dedicated to the Dining Hall, to all its bumps and leaks and all its glory.

The Runoia Dining Hall at Night: Glowing like a Japanese Lantern
The Runoia Dining Hall at Night: Glowing like a Japanese Lantern

Camp Runoia leadership team

Meet the leaders of the 2016 ‘Magic Makers’ staff team .

Jennifer DresdowJD

Hello Camp Runoia 2016! I live in Fort Wayne, IN with my husband, Wes, and my daughter, Natalie, along with our dog, Ein, our cat, The Dude, a cast of hermit crabs, and one of our camp horses, Ditto. August to May, I work at an elementary school organizing all things related to Title I. I also coach an Interscholastic Equestrian Team and teach riding lessons. Natalie has grown into a competent rider and we stay busy all winter competing all over the Midwest.

Natalie and I will be returning to Runoia for our seventh summer this year. The community created each summer by the staff and campers, as well as the beautiful setting, keep us coming back each year. At Runoia, my primary role is Equestrian Director, maintaining our quality of our riding program. I am grateful to be able to share my passion for horses with our campers each summer. I also work with Alex in the program office with scheduling, tag up, transportation, and all the other fun bits and pieces that happen behind the scenes. Looking forward to seeing everyone at camp next month! On opening days, I hope you’ll come visit the horses at the barn and meet the riding team at the Runoia stables!


JeannieJeannie Fleming-Gifford,

Hello Runoia! I am traveling from Cleveland, OH to be part of the Runoia Magic Makers team this summer. I wrote a blog for Runoia about how this all came about! You can see read it here:

I am the Director of Education and Lead Director of a non-profit, arts education organization that engages 1400 students weekly in music, dance, theatre and visual arts. I have a BA in Music (French Horn) and MA in Child Development. I have a love of animals and have been involved in raising guide dog pups for over 10 years. Other passions of mine include running, yoga, creative writing and any other adventures that can be found outside. This summer I look forward to supporting the counselors in the Senior End of camp (cabins 5, 6,7) to be the best they can be at Runoia and to have a good time with your daughter. Additionally, I am the Director of Arts at Runoia supporting the team in all ten art activities including: pottery, crafts, basket weaving, wood burning, stained glass, batik, wood working, photography and theatre! Fortunately there are a lot of returning, seasoned staff who can help me learn the ropes and get up to speed on all things Runoia! I look forward to meeting you on opening days in Senior End!


Alex Jacksonphoto 4

It’s my 21st summer season at Camp Runoia.  There is no place else I would rather be working and raising my family.  I work year round hiring staff, developing program and managing many aspects of Camp Runoia.  With a dedicated eye to safety I love American Camp Association standards (keeping camp physically and emotionally safe for campers, staff and animals) and developing protocols and operating procedures.  Pam and I work year round together running camp and although I work at my home office I get to camp as often as I can. 04918 is my happy place!  In my spare time I can be found out and about in Maine, skiing, hiking and enjoying time with my kids.  I sing with a local women’s chorus and I am often found volunteering my time for local organizations.  At camp I am in charge of the schedules and day to day program operations.  When the opportunity arises you will find me teaching at the lake or on the ropes course or wrangling some chickens!

JaiJai Kells

I am one of the assistant directors at camp. This will be my 5th year working at camp, and my 16th summer at Runoia! During the off-season I am at home with my kids, Molly (7), Sawyer (4.5) and Frannie (4months). I can’t wait to get the whole gang up there in just about 5 weeks! During the summer I help support the oldest camper area called Senior Village. I also oversee the kitchen at Runoia. I’m looking forward to working with our new chef, Leighann Davis, who plans to keep the same menu (don’t worry Runoia foodies!) and only make it better! please email me with any food allergies or concerns.  My husband, Jesse, comes up on weekends and integrates himself into camp usually on the basket ball courts, at the waterfront and playing guitar around camp. Last summer Jesse and I received our Lifeguard Training certification so we can be more helpful on the waterfront. In my “free time” I enjoy trying new recipes, exploring vegetarian cooking and cooking for family and friends and doing cross-fit work outs and running, and reading about 4 pages before I fall asleep into my book at night. 😉 I can’t wait to see you soon!


Kelly SandmanKel

I moved to Maine from Ohio last spring. This will be my third summer at Runoia. This year I have the privilege of teaching stained glass and filling in wherever else I’m needed, as adaptability and facilitation are two of my super powers. I identify as a builder in many forms: woodworking, building construction, sewing, stained glass, etc. I enjoy adventures, sports, and activities of all kinds, including acting in local theater, yoga, cycling, volunteering at a woodworking school where I’m enrolled for a class this fall, and playing badminton (especially with Ted, he’s a ringer). I am ever in search of new adventures and experiences, and I look forward to being a part of everyone’s summer adventure and to you being a part of mine!


BarbBarb St Peter

My name is Barb and this will be my seventh summer at Runioa. The past few summers I have directed the Counselor in Training program and this summer I will be the Head of Junior End where the youngest campers live. My role is to help support counselors to do their job with confidence and enthusiasm! When I am not at camp I work full time in a grade 3-5 special education classroom at an elementary school in Old Town, Maine. I am also taking classes at Husson University to get my teaching certification. In the winter I work at Sugarloaf ski resort both in the fitness center and at The Bag and Kettle restaurant. When I have free time I like to downhill ski and spend time with my two nieces, one is almost four and one just 15 months.


Pam Cobb HeubergerPam photo current

I am delighted to be working with this amazing Runoia team of administrative staff at Runoia. Their dedication to camp is contagious throughout the staff. Alex and I direct camp year round and many of the administrative team volunteer their time in the off-season to meet, attend conferences and collaborate with us. Runoia couldn’t be the camp it is with all these people PLUS others who aren’t even listed in this intro. Over my 30 years at Runoia, I’ve found people to be at the center of success. Sure, we have great program, quality equipment, safe facilities and more, but the individuals that make up the team are who pushes us from good to great!

My role in the off-season is to connect with new and returning families, support our alumnae group, facilitate long range planning, work with Alex on managing camp business and I oversee all the off season departments of camp. In the summer, I am involved in the daily running of camp and see your daughters every day – many times a day. I love being there when they are smiling and achieving as well as when they need a hug or a chance to problem solve with someone.

I am thrilled to have my daughter, Jai, return for her fifth summer and especially thrilled that she brings my three granddaughters to camp! My husband, Mark, is instrumental in consulting about Camp Runoia’s site and facilities, waterfront programming, tending the fruit trees and gardens. He works as a consultant in the Enviromental and Safety industry and attempts to free up his summer for camp whenever possible. During camp Mark loves to see the girls grow over the time they are at camp. The past two summers he has supervised the waterfront at Runoia and prior to that the sailing and waterski programs. Mark has trained his replacements and will be checking with them periodically this summer to uphold his standards of quality and excellence! Together, we are thrilled to greet you on opening days and welcome you and your daughters to our 110th continuous summer of Camp Runoia!

How the Runoia Pix Got Its Name

According to Runoia lore, as told by Joan “Baynie” Williams, may she rest in peace, the Runoia bathrooms got the name PIX on the train from Grand Central Station to Belgrade Depot.

The Belgrade Train Depot
The Belgrade Train Depot

Back in the day campers would arrive with their trunks at Grand Central for the train to camp. Both Runoia girls and Pine Island boys would voyage on said train. Of course the ride was chaperoned but there were plenty of shenanigans to go around, as you can only imagine.

Girls being girls and boys being boys back in the 1920s pretty much stayed with their own kind. The rueful glance, a random prank and other tit for tat ensued. The boys from Pine Island Camp wore their camp shirts that said PIC. After a few years of trips back and forth, Baynie and her gang decided the name for the Runoia bathrooms should be called the PIX (clever disguise) – as you can see an acronym not to far from the initials of that boys camp across the lake!

So, to this day, the Runoia bathroom is called the Pix.

We Call it the Pix!
We Call it the Pix!

I’ve noticed in the past decade that the word pix is falling from the vocab of the current campers and counselors. As many traditions go, it only remains a thing if people keep saying things like “I am going to the Pix” or “I have to go to the Pix” or “Will you come with me to the Pix?” or “Where’s the closest Pix” (Come on folks, I’m spoon feeding you here – let’s keep it going!). Runoia alumnae out there, you know you are horrified at the thought of Pix disappearing from the vocabulary, right? It’s our 110th summer and we will make an effort at bringing back this 90+ year tradition!

Maybe our next blog should be on how to resuscitate lost traditions!

New Pix at Fairy Ring
New Pix at Fairy Ring