In My Senior Year I Reflect on Seven Summers by Olivia Stein Colby- College 2018

It’s the fall of my senior year of college and I can’t help but think back on all of the experiences that got me to where I am today. I often find myself thinking of the seven years spent at Camp Runoia in particular. At Runoia I learned the importance of female friendship, having confidence and patience while trying something new, taking time to be goofy and weird, all while discovering my love for Maine and the outdoors.

I had an amazing six summers as a camper, and each school-year was spent counting down the days until I could return to my favorite place surrounded by my summer sisters. I returned as a counselor in training and during that summer our CIT group did a college tour of Colby College in Waterville, ME. It was the first college campus I visited and I remember not being very impressed looking at a bunch of brick buildings on an empty campus. But a couple years later when I was applying to schools I realized how much that visit meant. From the ages of nine to fifteen all of my favorite memories came from camp – the friendships I made, sailing on Great Pond, Junior Maine Guide, Sunday night campfires, peanut butter pie and everything in-between. So, when choosing a college, it just seemed right to pick a school ten minutes from Lucy Weiser Lane where all of my favorite memories took place.

My experiences at Runoia have come to life so often during my past three years at Colby. I make every effort to engage in outdoor activities, to form deep friendships, and to have confidence in my classes the same way I grew confidence solo skippering for the first time. At school, I am a pre-orientation leader for freshman and this year I led a trip to Tumbledown mountain. I couldn’t help but sing a camp favorite “In a little town there is Mount Tumbledown…” over and over until all my freshman could sing along with me. I remembered my experience as a camper so clearly – hiking Tumbledown on a day trip, and feeling so accomplished when we made it to the lake marking how close we were to the summit. Runoia gave me a love of adventure, and taught me to love the rewarding feeling when you summit a mountain even if you’re a little cold, or tired, or it starts to rain.

I’m thankful for Runoia for giving me the confidence to pursue my passions and for instilling the importance of friendship and always supporting and loving those around you. I’ll never forget the countless memories I made at camp surrounded by all the campers, counselors and directors who made it feel like home.

Fine Maine Days at Camp Runoia

It is pouring with rain today in Maine.  The kind of drenching, nonstop rain that comes from a dense, grey cloud that lingers low to the ground.  The day is dark and you need the lights on inside and a rain jacket and umbrella if you venture outside.   It is the first significant rain we have had all month and is a big change from the mild and sunny weather we have become accustomed to.

Wet foliage is still beautiful.

Today’s rain and the significant precipitation that we will get over the next couple of days is however being welcomed.  It brings relief to the dry ground, reduces the fire danger and fills up the water table a little before the hard freeze of winter comes.  We have missed the rain and can tolerate it intruding into our crisp fall days as we relish the benefits that it will bring.

For many years now assembly at Runoia has often included the phrase ‘It’s a Fine Maine Day’ it has become a tradition and a tag line of sorts that we have come to expect.  Some days it may have an addendum that reflects the current climatic conditions, ‘the liquid sunshine will be sure to keep our fields and forests green’ or maybe ‘it’s tropical out make sure you have your water bottles.’  Whatever the weather at camp we make the best of it and we embrace it for what it is.  We can control many components of our days and schedules but the weather is not one of them.  Putting a positive spin on the things we cannot change helps us to develop resiliency, flexibility and confidence that we are in charge of our own mood.  We can choose to waste our day grumbling and complaining or get on with having a blast and enjoying every minute of our time at camp.

There are always positives to be found in the variable Maine summer weather.  A rainy morning may result in a ‘sleep in’ with a later bell and the opportunity for a little extra time to snooze.  Rain may come as a relief from a stretch of baking sunny days that can be exhausting.  A fire in the Lodge is cozy and an opportunity to not have to rush and take time to enjoy reading the logs or a good book.  Rainy day program is often a fun, entertaining and creative switch up from our regular scheduling.

Whatever the weather in your location we hope that you can make it an ‘FMD’, make the most of the opportunities that the day presents and imagine the noise of the rain on the metals roofs at camp.

Maine – the way life should be whatever the weather!

Camp Runoia – beautiful in the changing season

The view from loon point

We love the changing seasons in Maine and the fall is filled with ‘fine Maine days’ that may start out a little chilly but are typically warm and bright.  While it is quiet around camp and the end of season clean-up is coming to an end there is still plenty of rustling in the leaves as the wildlife takes over.  Runoia has an abundant supply of oak tress which keep the chipmunks and squirrels scurrying around gathering acorns for the long winter season.  Leaves gently fall from the trees and shack porches that are no longer being swept on a regular basis catch the brilliant colors.  It looks a little messy around the place as the paths and lawns become buried under the falling leaves and there are no feet treading routes through them.  The bell is quiet.

We often lament about the fact that these gorgeous fall days would be perfect for camp.  Can you imagine going apple picking and taking a hay ride for trip day and carving pumpkins with your shack? Glenn has certainly raked up plenty of leaves for jumping into which would be great fun.  As it is now going dark long before E.P. is over, star gazing would make for a great activity.  We would certainly have to bundle up to make it through the chilly evenings and the fire in the Lodge would surely be kept burning.  As Halloween approaches there are a myriad of potential costume choices just waiting to be discovered in the drama clothes.  The lake is a bit chilly for a swim but perfect for canoeing and kayaking with the foliage reflecting beautifully on the calm, clear water of Great Pond.  Oh what fun we could have with our camp friends if summer camp lasted into October.

We hope that whatever your family fall traditions are and whatever the climate is where you live that you are getting outside and having a great time enjoying all the beauty of the season.  If you are looking for ideas of fun things to do check out our Fall Favorites Pinterest board!


Letter Writing at camp Runoia

The lost art of letter writing is found at Camp Runoia

For many people a letter or card written by hand and sent through the post is a rare treat to receive.  There is incredible value in the sending and receiving of letters to and from Camp.  Although modern alternatives may have crept into our regular everyday lives and mail has now often been replaced by type or text, at camp the options are much more limited and therefore pen and paper is the go to form of communication.

Some letters from camp are short and oh so sweet!

A hand written letter, postcard or note-card shows a commitment and acknowledges that a person has taken the time and resources to show how much you are valued. A paper note can be stored under a pillow, treasured and reread over and over. They don’t require an instant or  speedy response or even any response at all, they can be savored and relished.  Camp Runoia parents often tell us years later that they still have those letters from camp as treasured memories of their daughters developing independence.

Content is often deeper and more profound in a letter than it is in a hurriedly typed email or an even shorter text message.  There is not room for emoticons in a pen and paper note, real feelings are expressed carefully using vocabulary that often never appears in type,

A note can communicate messages that may be difficult to address in person or may be impossible if the distance covered is great.  The recipient sits with the content without an immediate verbal response needed.

At Camp Runoia we value the time old tradition of hand writing notes.  People in our community receive ‘real’ mail long before our campers even arrive to the shores of Great Pond.  We send welcome notes, Birthday postcards and of course penpal letters for new campers all before June.  Parents, family members and friends continue to send postal mail during the summer season and while a one way email service is now available some girls still get stacks of ‘real mail’ every day.  Our campers reciprocate those letters filled with love and news from home.  Rest hour is often spent filling up stationary and notecards with tales of camp adventures, new friends, how the food is and what EP’s have been a blast.

The Belgrade Lakes Post Office manages the Camp Runoia mail

The Belgrade Lakes Post Office is near and dear to our hearts and trips to visit can sometimes even be won as EP prizes. The 04918 zip code is imprinted on our hearts.  We are encouraging Runoia Girls to build real life communication skills.

Perseverance Builds Lifeskills at Camp Runoia

After watching the final round of the PGA Masters tournament, all I could think of was “that’s serious perseverance”. Sergio Garcia had played in over 70 Major PGA events and finally won his first Major on April 9. He was graced with the iconic green jacket and history was in the books.

You can probably see where I’m going with this but one thing you do not know about me as the owner and director of Camp Runoia… I’m married to a sports fanatic. He put the “fan” in fanatic. That means a lot of conversation comes up about all major sports events daily. There is always a sport in season. And although we don’t watch much TV, you can guarantee there is a sports game on any night you want to watch. Spring is an exciting season in the pro world because as baseball starts, NHL hockey is in the final games and NBA is in the semi finals. #nonstopsports We actually met each other over pro sports so I’m pretty enthusiastic about sports, too. (add horse events and all women’s pro teams!).

But back to Senor Garcia. Ah-maze-ing. Tied at the end of four days of battling for the win, led to a “playoff” at the Masters. Justin Rose and Sergio Garcia, best friends after playing over 20 years together, they tied to finish. The whole story is akin to mythology. Anyway, in the end Sergio persevered. That’s the real story. Seventy three tries at winning a major tournament in the PGA and he finally won one. One. One big one. I can feel the emotion all over again and I can only imagine how he felt.

So, the takeaway is pretty clear. Even when we are pretty good, we are not always the best at something… yet: When we try things, we need to practice and have patience in our own work and play. Whether it is getting more refined in a sport, improving reading comprehension, making meaningful connections with others, learning how to reduce impetuous behavior, developing a friendship, or understanding how the wind affects the sail power of a boat. Let me say it again: we need to practice, have patience, learn from our mistakes and try again. This is what makes pros win major tournaments and this is what makes Runoia campers grow up to be strong women. Perseverance.

A Note from A Camp Mom

I worked at Camp Runoia for three summers when I was in my late teens/early twenties, as the Head Sailing Instructor (in the late 1990s). I witnessed firsthand the magical moments these girls enjoy as they explore new opportunities, drive themselves toward mastering a particular skill, breathe deeply outside in nature, and establish a community of trust and camaraderie, making some friendships they will carry with them the rest of their lives.

Once I worked at Camp Runoia, I easily kindled the memories of camp for twenty years.  And when we had daughters, I could not wait for the day I could share Camp Runoia with them. Now, fast forward twenty years later. Our own daughter was old enough last year to participate in Harmony Land Camp, which for me was a dream come true. (I mean this most sincerely.)

Harmony Land Camp “HLC” is an ideal introduction to camp life for younger campers. The campers not only have the safety net of their own counselors and fellow HLC campers, but also the opportunity to engage with older children and returning campers during meals (especially the outdoor meals served picnic style two days a week), at the waterfront for swim class and recreational swims, and during the all-camp assembly each morning. For my daughter, being in HLC eliminated the sometimes overwhelming feeling of wondering which activity to try next, and also reduced any potential worry about whether or not she would have a “friend” in that activity. There’s more info on HLC here.

As the program continues and their comfort level increases, the girls are able to branch out a bit more, or hang back with the familiar, if that’s what they prefer. I know at least one HLC camper last year took swim lessons with campers who were much older, because her swimming ability exceeded that of her peers. The staff is very good about making sure each individual camper’s needs are being met.

Camp Runoia is an authentic sleep away camp experience. There is no air conditioning, the campers and counselors pick and eat wild blueberries from the bushes they found the prior summer, people greet each other with kind smiles, and while walking through camp you hear much laughter.

The directors have been running camp or participating in camp ALL OF THEIR LIVES — it is a family tradition now in the fifth generation. I knew Pam’s parents when I worked at camp in the late 1990s; they were lovely people, and at that time had sold the camp and operations to Pam. Pam and her daughter, Jai Kells continue the tradition. I also worked with Alex at Runoia 20 years ago — her level of expertise even then was considerable, and she keeps daily activities for everyone running smoothly as the logistics guru. They each balance the responsibilities of running camp with making sure everyone’s needs are being met or exceeded. The campers are happy, and the counselors are aware of the signs of homesickness and the best ways to address it. The lead counselor and director of Harmony Land Camp, Abbie Marone, is a teacher with a degree in early elementary education; it shows in all of her interactions with her campers. She treats each child with respect, includes everyone and, according to my daughter, is caring and funny.

My daughter was ecstatic when I asked if she wanted to go back to camp this summer. She is looking forward to archery, tubing, and sailing. She is also looking forward to seeing her friends and the counselors again. I know the end of the session will come and the campers and counselors get that feeling they are saying goodbye to family. There are definitely more tears shed the last day, than the first when the summer comes to a close.

Kara Garrod



Professional Networking and Development

As camp professionals working with youth and young adults, we take professional development and professional networking seriously. This is the time of year many camp conferences across the country take place providing education, networking, inspirational speakers, and new ideas for everything from staff training, in-service training, camper support and guidance, special programming, and more. Check out the American Camp Association conference in Albuquerque, NM going on right now.

We are fortunate that Marijean “MJ” Parry is at the conference this week, networking and learning to bring back to Runoia. If you haven’t met MJ yet, her introduction is here on our Runoia site.  Our leadership team will be convening  in March at the ACA/NE conference in New Hampshire. We look forward to meeting in person and connecting with others helping Runoia to continue to grow and build lifelong skills of its own!

Our professional development doesn’t end with our camp connections. As I grow in my own field of work, I see youth outreach programs that are extraordinary. I am impressed by my childhood friend from Princeton, Jonathan Diamond, founder and director of the Hilltown Youth and Recovery Theatre helping youth through theatre and performing to recover from addiction and/or anxiety and other mental health challenges.

Jonathan grew up at camp in Maine and his sons attended Chewonki as well. He credits his camp experience to who he is today and the important work he is doing with children. I’m impressed with his work as shown in this short and compelling video.

The images of the work his program provides are vivid and powerful. Hats off to Jonathan and his team. If you are a person who works in counseling or helps youth with anxiety, addiction or other mental health challenges, I encourage you to check out Hilltown Youth and contact Jonathan if you are interested in more information.

Our connections with youth professionals from foster care to prep schools makes us better camp professionals. We are fortunate to know so many fantastic people doing great things helping us to stretch and grow just like our campers and staff do each summer!




Resolution Check-In Time – Make 2017 More Like Camp All Year

Resolutions to Make 2017 More Like Camp All Year Round – Guest Blog by Carrie Murphey

It’s a simple fact that camp is the very best time of year. It’s basically magic. Except for how it doesn’t last ALL year. That part is not magic. So how do we resolve to make this year more like camp every day?

  1. Be active

You know how Camp Sleep is the very best sleep? Sure, part of it is because you’re all snuggled up in your warm bed, listening to the peaceful sounds of nature, and the Maine chill in the air keeps you cozy all night long. But also you know why you sleep so well at camp? You are SO dang tired at the end of every day! Because you did a million things! You were an archer, and a swimmer, and a basket-weaver, and a wall-climber, and you ran from Junior End to the lodge to be first for tag-up, and you zoomed all over the kickball field during Evening Program, and then you had a spontaneous dance-off in your shack while you brushed your teeth, and then goodnights and lights out and BAM. Out like a log.

Do you move your body half as much in the rest of the year as you do during camp? No, me neither. I could do more and I bet you could too!

  1. Sing lots

From the lodge in the morning to the lake in the afternoon to belting out to the radio during shower time to campfire on Sundays to Taps at night, we are always singing at camp. We don’t always sound greeeeeeeeeat, but we’re usually going at it with gusto.

So turn your music up, or grab your camp songbook, and just SING.

  1. Try new things

Days at camp are filled with new activities and new friendships to make. It seems there’s never enough time to try ALL the things and meet ALL the people. Caught up in the contagious joy of camp, you’re also more inclined to be understanding of all the difference around you and excited by every new experience you have and each new person you encounter.

During the year, you have more time, but if you’re anything like me, probably less enthusiasm for trying new things. You stick with your routine, with your established set of friends, and you may even eat the very same thing for breakfast every day. Try to make your year a little more like camp by stepping outside your comfort zone in small ways. Talk to a new person in your class. Learn more about a different club at your school. Read a book in a genre you’ve never tried. Take a try-it size portion of a food you’re almost positive you don’t like just in case. Not everything will stick like your old stand-bys, but like camp, you just might discover new interests and cool people.

  1. Invest in your friendships

There is an immediacy to making friends at camp. You only have so much time together and you want to make every moment count. You share stories at lightening speed and can’t remember a time when you didn’t know each other. You spend your days doing lots of the same things together and then talking late into the evening about the memories you’ve already made with one another. In a very short amount of time, you crystalize these close friendships and feel bonded for life.

You certainly have close friends outside of camp. But how often are you spending time just sharing stories and talking about each other’s days? Some of those new things you’re trying out, maybe your friends want to try with you. Chances are, they’d like to have a little more camp in their lives too.

  1. Unplug

That first day of camp, when you’re separated from your phone or your computer, oof, it hits like a ton of bricks. Your hand twitches to refresh your SnapChat or take a mindless BuzzFeed quiz. But within hours (if not minutes) of being swept into that sweet unplugged camp life, I doubt you miss either one very much. And because you’re talking to real people in real time, face-to-face, you’re able to make lasting connections and have incredible experiences by hearing with your full ears and seeing with your whole eyes. There is nothing to divide your attention and so you can invest your attention in anything and everything you do.

It’s not always completely realistic to give up a phone or a computer the rest of the year (I, for one, would be fired from my job), but I promise you, the more time we spend away from either, the more we can pay attention to – friends, family, activities – with our undivided selves.

So, let us all resolve to live 2017 a little more like camp. Remembering to bring a few dashes of that magic to our everyday is bound to make the time between camp seasons pass that much more mercifully quick… right?

Career Women – Thanks Runoia

The journey of becoming a physician is a long and taxing trip. As a third year osteopathic medical student I am right in the thick of it (shameless plug: D.O.’s – osteopathic physicians- and M.D.’s are the only fully licensed physicians in the United States). Not only are we required to complete years of schooling, we are constantly being critiqued by our superiors, our patients, their families, our peers, and we are hard on ourselves as well. It can be stressful at times. I often find myself reflecting: 1.How did I get where I am today? 2. What motivates me? 3. How can I improve?

The skills I learned at Camp Runoia are instrumental in helping me address these questions every day, enabling me to further develop my career and reach my potential.

Women are still working hard for equal acceptance in the field of medicine. Yes, it is possible to be a successful physician while possessing two X chromosomes and a uterus! Admitting women to medical school did not become vogue until the mid 1900’s, mere decades ago. More recently a female physician’s offer to help during an inflight medical emergency was allegedly dismissed by a flight attendant, presumably because she did not fit the stereotypical idealization of what a physician “should” look like. Certain medical specialties are still dominated by males. And, yes, many people still assume that the female physician or med student in the room is a nurse.

I don’t let this dishearten me though, because I was brought up with the most important lifelong lesson Runoia teaches us, empowerment: you as a woman have self worth and are valuable member of your community. A woman can walk into a room with confidence and introduce herself without the concern of feeling unequal.

CR taught us at an early age that we were valued as a member of the camp community and our only educational limitations were the ones we set for ourselves. Unfortunately, not all women were brought up with this philosophy. Quite often I meet many educated women my age that tell me they were not brought up with the mindset that a woman can have a powerful career. Many women are still forging a path forward for themselves, sometimes with little support. So here is my reminder to you all: the next time you stand with a friend or a colleague that is apprehensive about entering that crowded male dominated conference room or taking a risk to further the boundaries of her career, pass on some of that Camp Runoia strength and confidence we possess. Let’s work together as CR alum to unite women together. We’ll all become a stronger force of women by supporting each other and working together.

Crystal Cobb, OMS III
Campbell University School of Osteopathic Medicine
Political Affairs Director
National Board of Directors | Student Osteopathic Medical Association (SOMA)

The Gift of Freedom (aka The Art of Tagging Up)

Written by: Jeannie Fleming-Gifford

“How to Raise a Creative Child. Step One: Back Off.” This New York Times article headline was like a slap in the side of my head, a nice wake-up call.

Yes, I am one of those parents. My child arrived in this world with bright blue eyes. They sparkled and I immediately saw her potential. I dream big for her future and the gifts she will offer the world.

From her earliest days, we have taken advantage of library programs, countless recreational classes – from swimming to soccer, and she has had access to a multitude of mediums for her artistic endeavors. I, like so many, have seized the opportunities deemed worthy to fuel my child’s success, but, as I read this article, I began to question some of my efforts.

The words “back off” had punch. They stung a little. Back off? Um, it may be the opposite of how I have approached fueling the creativity of my child over the last 9 years.

As I sipped my coffee, I continued to delve into the contents of this article:

“What holds them (children) back is that they don’t learn to be original. They strive to earn the approval of their parents and the admiration of their teachers…practice makes perfect, but it doesn’t make new.”

And what DID this article note fuels the creative mind? “Children had freedom to sort out their own values and discover their own interests. And that sets them up to flourish as creative adults.”

Freedom. Discover interests. Flourishing.

Yes, I want this for my child as well!  How can we – as parents – find the balance?

All through the school year, we help to plot and plan our children’s lives. Oh yes, they help select those activities, but some things are also just a given.  They are expected, and, I also know…they are needed. The daily routines and structure we set to support our children’s growth and development provides them with opportunities to learn and grow, but are they also stifling their creative minds?

What will fuel them with spark and perseverance in working towards their passions? How do we find balance between driving our child’s interests and skills and helping them develop the skills to think, grow and act independently…be driven by their joy and passions?

Last summer, as a parent of a Runoia camper and a staff member of the Runoia camp, I gained a unique perspective. As a staff member, I became part of the process of helping to create, oversee and implement diverse, quality, safe and FUN summer experiences. As a parent, I watched my daughter and many other girls immerse themselves in these opportunities.

There are numerous activities for girls to explore at Runoia: art, equestrian, high ropes, farm and garden, tennis, ceramics, swimming, drama, riflery, wood working, and the list goes on and on…


And the beauty of the structure of these activities? There is FREEDOM. There is CHOICE.

And with this, GIRLS FLOURISH.

If you’re a Runoia girl, you know all about “tagging up.” Last year, I watched the excitement of each morning as campers were called in for this tradition of choosing their daily adventures. I watched Alex as she talked with every camper, every day, about what choices THEY wanted to make about their day. I watched girls relish in their freedom of these choices. I listened to their excited chatter as they stood by the tag board and eagerly waited to “tag up” for THEIR day. The multitude of options and THEIR FREEDOM to make those choices is a gift to these girls each summer.


I know – as a parent too – that through the year, my child makes choices about her activities, but those choices are then long-term commitments – weeks, sometimes months – of routine. Yes, those commitments yield benefits. But the opportunity to then provide a summer of explorations, a summer of choice also nets many rewards. The chance to try something new, even daily…to engage in a new endeavor. To not have to be the expert, but to find joy in learning something new…to have the time to challenge oneself…

“What motives people…passion – discovered through natural curiosity or nurtured through early enjoyable experiences with an activity or many activities.”

“If you want your children to bring original ideas into the world, you need to let them pursue their passions, not yours.”


This is summer at Runoia and it may be one of the greatest gifts we can give our girls.

Wishing you and yours a Happy New Year.