I spent this past weekend at the annual retreat for my women’s chorus. It was a beautiful Maine weekend and we stayed at a camp by the coast with the typical set up of bunks and group dining. I have been a member of this group for ten years and enjoy spending time with a diverse group of women whose only true commonality is their love of choral singing.

During the two day weekend we were challenged musically, engaged socially and built community together. For many of the women being away from the comforts of home with a group of people they don’t know all that well is quiet a step out of their comfort zone. Not unlike the first day of camp at Runoia we played name games, shared details about ourselves that others did not know and worked together in order to break through some of our nervous reservations.
I am always amazed by the outcomes that happen in such a short space of time. By the second night most of the group had the confidence to participate in the ‘talent’ show and had bonded in a unique way. It seems that when we can put aside the rigors and familiarities of our everyday lives then we are more able to open ourselves to stretching the boundaries of our comfort zones.

At Runoia we challenge our girls every day to step beyond the safety of their comfort zone. Even for the adults and regardless of how many summers they have spent on Great Pond they are also stretched and push the limits of their own comfort zone. A sleep away experience provides us all with an opportunity to grow both individual and as a great part of the whole group. Seeing what a group of sometimes reluctant to participate middle aged women got out of two days at ‘camp’ reinforced for me how life changing a session at Runoia can be for young girls.
While I am certainly already counting down the days to Runoia 2017 and seeing my summer family again I am glad to have had the opportunity to continue being challenged in a different group which is just as dear to my heart.