Our camp Runoia community attempts to create change through simple acts of kindness and caring, hoping to make the world that we live in a better place. We believe that we can engage campers and staff to be the change that they want to see in our local communities and in the greater world around us.
In our Giving Tuesday blog back in November we shared about a new community service initiative that we were excited to be getting involved with. We are moving forward with this partnership and continuing our monetary giving into the summer season.
‘World of Change’ is a philanthropic organization with a home base right here in Maine. It encourages youth to participate in collections of loose change that can then be used to create ‘change’ in their local communities. We are excited to be one of the startup camps that are joining the drive and will be collecting change this summer. We are hopeful that this will create enthusiasm among our campers for continuing this support in upcoming seasons.
The statistics of how much money is just sitting around in our homes, cars, and workplaces is just staggering.

Camp Runoia families are always incredibly generous and our ‘cans from campers’ food drives have been very successful. Through support of our local food pantry, we have had the opportunity to be a positive presence in Runoia’s small, home town . We will continue collecting food on opening days this summer and hope that gathering change throughout the school year to bring to camp will catch on too.
We know that a lot of people giving a little can really create positive change for those in need. All of the money that World of Change generates goes directly to the nonprofits working in communities identified as having needs. The six focus areas ensure that all children get strong foundations to grow on.

We hope that our Camp Runoia campers will engage with the World of Change philosophy and strive to make a difference in their home communities. Where will you start? How can you be the change in your community? It doesn’t have to be a huge undertaking spending an hour picking up trash or helping an elderly neighbor with yard work can be a great place to start.
Together we truly can be the change we want to see in the world.