As we head into the crisp, clear days of fall it is a great time for reflection and contemplation about the past summer at camp. Life in Maine takes on a slower pace at this time of year and we are able to take a few minutes to look back on the great moments that happened over the summer season and to figure out if we need to make any improvements for the upcoming year.

As we connect with parents of returning campers and those potential families that may be joining us next summer, read surveys and talk to staff it is a great opportunity for us to get a variety of feedback. Summer camp is a fleeting season filled to the brim with experiences, relationship building and a myriad of tasks that fill up our ‘fine Maine days.’
Once the chaos of back to school has settled and we are into our more relaxed off season routines mid-October is a perfect time to chat. We love conversations with parents about the changes they have seen since their daughter came home from camp, growth she has made or just the stories she had to tell about her camp experiences. When reach outs about enrollment result in ‘she wouldn’t miss it for the world’ or ‘she would be so mad if I missed out on signing her up’ we are gratified that we produced another great Runoia summer for our girls.

In order to fill those few remaining spaces that are open the fall also allows us time to refine our marketing strategy for the upcoming season . In a world of photo shop and fake news we try to accurately sell the product that is a Runoia summer. We market what we can produce and hope that our happy customers will keep coming back for more. With attention paid to any feedback that helps us to continue striving for excellence, we feel like we can really create an evolving product that stays true to our traditions and camp culture. As we talk to new families not only about the generic benefits of a sleep away summer camp experience we also ask them to reflect on the type of place that would best suit their child. We want our campers to feel like Camp Runoia is truly their home away from home and to be able to meet the goals they may have set themselves for the summer.
While we continue to reach out to our community we also invite you to share your thoughts about Runoia and help our reflections gain substance. We are certain that the summer season of Runoia 2018 will be here before we know it and we are already excited for our 112th season on Great Pond.