Resolution Check-In Time – Make 2017 More Like Camp All Year

Resolutions to Make 2017 More Like Camp All Year Round – Guest Blog by Carrie Murphey

It’s a simple fact that camp is the very best time of year. It’s basically magic. Except for how it doesn’t last ALL year. That part is not magic. So how do we resolve to make this year more like camp every day?

  1. Be active

You know how Camp Sleep is the very best sleep? Sure, part of it is because you’re all snuggled up in your warm bed, listening to the peaceful sounds of nature, and the Maine chill in the air keeps you cozy all night long. But also you know why you sleep so well at camp? You are SO dang tired at the end of every day! Because you did a million things! You were an archer, and a swimmer, and a basket-weaver, and a wall-climber, and you ran from Junior End to the lodge to be first for tag-up, and you zoomed all over the kickball field during Evening Program, and then you had a spontaneous dance-off in your shack while you brushed your teeth, and then goodnights and lights out and BAM. Out like a log.

Do you move your body half as much in the rest of the year as you do during camp? No, me neither. I could do more and I bet you could too!

  1. Sing lots

From the lodge in the morning to the lake in the afternoon to belting out to the radio during shower time to campfire on Sundays to Taps at night, we are always singing at camp. We don’t always sound greeeeeeeeeat, but we’re usually going at it with gusto.

So turn your music up, or grab your camp songbook, and just SING.

  1. Try new things

Days at camp are filled with new activities and new friendships to make. It seems there’s never enough time to try ALL the things and meet ALL the people. Caught up in the contagious joy of camp, you’re also more inclined to be understanding of all the difference around you and excited by every new experience you have and each new person you encounter.

During the year, you have more time, but if you’re anything like me, probably less enthusiasm for trying new things. You stick with your routine, with your established set of friends, and you may even eat the very same thing for breakfast every day. Try to make your year a little more like camp by stepping outside your comfort zone in small ways. Talk to a new person in your class. Learn more about a different club at your school. Read a book in a genre you’ve never tried. Take a try-it size portion of a food you’re almost positive you don’t like just in case. Not everything will stick like your old stand-bys, but like camp, you just might discover new interests and cool people.

  1. Invest in your friendships

There is an immediacy to making friends at camp. You only have so much time together and you want to make every moment count. You share stories at lightening speed and can’t remember a time when you didn’t know each other. You spend your days doing lots of the same things together and then talking late into the evening about the memories you’ve already made with one another. In a very short amount of time, you crystalize these close friendships and feel bonded for life.

You certainly have close friends outside of camp. But how often are you spending time just sharing stories and talking about each other’s days? Some of those new things you’re trying out, maybe your friends want to try with you. Chances are, they’d like to have a little more camp in their lives too.

  1. Unplug

That first day of camp, when you’re separated from your phone or your computer, oof, it hits like a ton of bricks. Your hand twitches to refresh your SnapChat or take a mindless BuzzFeed quiz. But within hours (if not minutes) of being swept into that sweet unplugged camp life, I doubt you miss either one very much. And because you’re talking to real people in real time, face-to-face, you’re able to make lasting connections and have incredible experiences by hearing with your full ears and seeing with your whole eyes. There is nothing to divide your attention and so you can invest your attention in anything and everything you do.

It’s not always completely realistic to give up a phone or a computer the rest of the year (I, for one, would be fired from my job), but I promise you, the more time we spend away from either, the more we can pay attention to – friends, family, activities – with our undivided selves.

So, let us all resolve to live 2017 a little more like camp. Remembering to bring a few dashes of that magic to our everyday is bound to make the time between camp seasons pass that much more mercifully quick… right?

Maine living at Camp Runoia

Fine Maine Days

Our second session here at Camp Runoia has started off splendidly. The first session girls all made it home safely and our new arrivals are fully settled in.  We have girls from so many different places.  Our English campers finally got out of school and flew on over, we have an alumnae daughter from Japan and also girls from as far away as Hong Kong and Vietnam.  The continental US is well represented from CA girls to those from FL and a whole heap from our great state of Maine.

skiOur days have been glorious.  Warm and sunny although sometimes a little windy for skiing so some of the girls have been enjoying sneaking out a little early to get out on Great Pond before breakfast.  There have been no complaints about waking up before the bell.  There is something magical about getting up before everyone else and enjoying the solitude on the lake.

Our second session of Harmony Land Camp for our youngest campers is half way finished. They’ve been enjoying all the camp activities and having fun times with their counselors. We hope they will return next summer!

Trips have already gone out and returned with tales of adventure and s’mores around the campfire.  Projects have been started,  we are growing food, shooting at targets, climbing the wall, riding horses, are out in boats and generally busy as we can be all the way through our fun and entertaining  EP’s.  EPThere is much anticipation for the new campers picking their blue and white teams this weekend and lots of speculation about how captain elections will turn out. We are filling our days to the max and enjoy falling asleep to the sounds of the loons after long and productive days

It is always a “Fine Maine Day’ for building life skills.

Keep the letters coming our campers love to get mail from family and friends.

Sending you our love from Great Pond,


Ready Set Go – All Runoia All Summer!

This is the time of summer we bring people, our camp counselors, kitchen crew, summer maintenance team, directors, assistant directors, health team and specialist together from all over the world to build team, complete certification for training, practice teaching with each and our camp neighbors and friends, run emergency drills and plan for trips out of camp. Let’s break it down!

Just like our campers need a chance to get oriented to Runoia, meet people they will build friendships with, find out all the cool stuff they can do at sleepover camp and learn the rules about how to do them safely, so do our Camp Runoia counselors.

Our director team takes charge and spends 10-14 hours each day working with counselors in small and large groups to accomplish the feat. If you are wondering why we aren’t replying to your emails right away, that’s why!

We have discovered we have an AMAZING group of people, a diverse group (age, backgrounds, cultures, citizenship, religions, the colors of our skin and the different fields of education, new staff, returning staff, campers who are now college age staff). How lucky are we?!

Here are some pictures from our two days of training thus far:

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Dedication to the Camp Runoia Dining Hall

In the center of camp is a special place. Its hub endures the hustle and bustle of Camp Runoia’s daily flow. We greet it with the pattering of feet as we fall out from flag raising and it shudders at the end of the day as milk gets spilled upon its floors and crackers crumble into happy mouths. We sing and fill the rafters with graces, bobos and birthday songs.

Camp Runoia 1950s DIning Hall
Camp Runoia – 1930s DIning Hall

Where else besides cabins do we spend two and a half hours almost every day with an assorted group of random people? Where else could you find thousands of red and white flowered and plain squares? Like a silent movie, benches and chairs get moved in and out, up on top of tables and down again. It is only furniture but it’s furniture that fills its innards with substance and fortitude.

The Dining Hall is the Center of our Days at Camp
The Dining Hall is the Center of our Days at Camp

Probably the person who spent the most time within its screened walls was Johnny.  For 54 summers Marion “Johnny” Johnson sat regally reigning from the corner of the Runoia Dining Hall by the flagpole at Table 5. To date, some of her special sayings are shared in that very same corner. Betty’s Table became, and still is, an icon of good manners, quietly closing doors, trying new foods and cleaning plates. Counselors who return to camp for a couple years adopt their own table and create their own legacies with the campers who share meals around them.

From the 1950s to the 2010s - Camp Runoia's Dining Hall Stands Proud!
From the 1950s to the 2010s – Camp Runoia’s Dining Hall Stands Proud!

Betty and Diane raised their newborn children under her eaves. Alex, K and other camp parents over the summers have done the same. Campers have laughed, cried, screamed, and shrieked with delight amidst the pine paneling.  The hum of the water cooler adorned with the magically changing poster provides a watering hole for many.  Each corner has its own echo, each it’s own feeling. Late night sardines has been played in all the nooks and crannies. Dances and casino halls, specialty restaurants and rainy day games have transformed her façade at times. Snacks, studying for JMG, package surprises, the mail bag, counselors’ coffee and board games have all been part of its personality.  On its walls, some over 100 years old, banners and posters, signs and memorabilia hang to be seen by all. It is the epicenter of our daily sustenance, the Mother Ship of our excursions, the source of many good times and tastes.

The 2006 Log is dedicated to the Dining Hall, to all its bumps and leaks and all its glory.

The Runoia Dining Hall at Night: Glowing like a Japanese Lantern
The Runoia Dining Hall at Night: Glowing like a Japanese Lantern

Spring Training – Hitting a Home Run in the Job Market

We’ve all read about the parenting style of the Millennium Generation. Following the Millenniums is Generation Z – our current teens are Gen Z children. These parents have parented in similar ways.  Here’s a hint to parents about how to help your children: let them figure out some stuff themselves.

Parents who try to help their teenagers by contacting businesses for jobs for their children should recognize that that child is the least likely person to make the team.

On the other hand, teens who contact businesses directly, act confident, carry their resume or email a resume ahead of time before they call, ready themselves with references, have the chance at hitting a home run.  Feel free to coach them but let them play the game themselves.


Here’s ways you can help coach your children for the job market and not have them sitting on the bench:

  1. Ask your child to make a list of businesses she/he is interested in working with to help build her/his skills
  2. Discuss together how she/he will safely get to and from work. If it’s a resident job, help them come up with a list of good questions to ask a prospective employer and resident director.
  3. Encourage your child to contact her/his references for the job application BEFORE they are contacted.
  4. Practice, role play if possible, interview scenarios (phone and in person)
  5. Ask your child what they think they should wear and how they should clean up to look presentable for the interview.
  6. Other hints: A strong handshake, eye to eye contact and a smile go a long way. A smile while talking on the phone improves their tone of voice.

As a business owner whose organization hires 55-60 people under the age of 25 every summer, having a parent contact us about a job for their children is a strike out.

And parents, when your child, as a young adult, goes to work a professional job at a camp, please know that if they are over 18, we won’t talk with you about their job, the interview, the details of the process, etc. Obviously we will contact you if there is any kind of emergency but otherwise, they are an adult working at their job. You can find out that Camp Runoia is an accredited camp by the ACA, Runoia has employed many teens, young adults and 20-somethings over the years. Runoia’s website has an FAQ page for staff and our policies and handbooks are on line. Read them to help ease your own anxiety and know that we will help guide and coach your child to be a great camp

Summer Camp Work is Wholesome and Skill Building!
Summer Camp Work is Wholesome and Skill Building!

counselor.  Working at sleepaway camp is a hard job and it’s a great, healthy outdoor living experience that will ready them for many things in life. Let them get up to

bat and hit the ball. If they strike out on their own, they might actually ask you for your help! If they hit the ball and make a home run on their own, they will be happier and more connected to the process.

Beware, if you, the parent, step into the batter’s box, the umpire may have to throw you out of the game!

Finding Perfection

The Perfect Tree – Finding Perfection

There is a lot of anticipation in our house this week.  The upcoming weekend is our annual sortie into the woods to find the perfect tree to decorate for the Holidays.  We don’t have a particular place or tradition for getting the tree sometimes we swing by one of the local Maine tree farms close to our house but we have also been known to go out in the back acreage and find a wild tree.  Once we have decided if we will go and cut one or grab one at the market stand the hunt is on.

balsam8The challenge is always how do we find the ‘perfect’ tree? How big should it be? Round and full? or a little thinner so the ornaments hang down? At the farm there are even choices of what variety of spruce to bring home!  It is hard for it not to become overwhelming especially when everyone has a different opinion about just what constitutes ‘perfect.’

balsam7Depending on how cold it is the search may be long or due to frozen fingers and toes it may be a short trek to the nearest good looking spot.  ‘Perfect’ becomes relative when the promise of hot chocolate is involved.

The funny thing is that no matter which tree we end up getting everyone always declares it ‘perfect’ even when it requires a 6” decapitation to fit in the house or takes up half the room.  It is the time with family and the tradition of actually doing this together every year that truly makes it ‘perfect.’

tree1However you celebrate the Holidays I hope that it will be your own version of perfect.

Camp Runoia video blog

Staff member Erica Carthy ‘Dream Team 2015’ captured the spirit of camp in this excellent video blog.

Take 3 1/2 minutes to relax and become absorbed in Runoia life #magichappens at Camp Runoia.

We are certain that it will leave you longing for camp days.



Thanks Erica!

We’re gonna make this place your home!

End of season refelctions

The summer of 2015 is awesomely reflected In the words of our Dream Team 2015 Counselors and staff.

I love working at Runoia. It really is a truly amazing thing that happens. I get the opportunity to make lasting friendships with amazing people, to pass on skills that I value very highly to a group of fantastic girls, and build my leadership skills more than I could at just about any other job. To the director team, thank you for giving me the opportunity to have two of the best summers of my life and for supporting me!

ALleePersonally, there were many highlights of the summer. I enjoyed watching the bond between everyone grow and it definitely showed during campfire and EP. Not only did I create bonds with campers, but I created friendships with the staff that I will hopefully stay in touch with! Seeing the kids improve in their skills and to be excited about trying something new was rewarding. It felt good to see the results of your hard work.

I loved every trip I went on. The Katahdin and Saddleback trips stood out as my favorite.

There are too many highlights to mention them all. I love Runoia because of the amazing experience it provides girls from all over the world. The biggest challenge for me was saying goodbye to campers and staff alike.

JuliaThe highlights were all of the experiences I had with teaching the girls. It was so rewarding to have a girl come back to my activity and remind me of something I had told her or be able to do something without needing to be reminded. Seeing their smiling faces everyday was always amazing too.

I just want to say that this summer at Runoia was the best summer of my life and I am so thankful to be a part of the Runoia Dream Team!

staffWe couldn’t have said it any better.

Thanks to our amazing ‘Dream Team’ staff! We hope to see you all in 2016.

And When You Get Back Home Again…

“You get a strange feeling when you leave a place, like you’ll not only miss they people you love, but you miss the person you are at this time and place because you’ll never be this way ever again”-Azar Nafasi

Three weeks have come and gone, since we bid farewell to each other and our place.  Our place is Camp Runoia.  At camp we are the best possible “us” that we can be.  We are safe, we are encouraged and we are organically just ourselves.  The friendships we formed at camp are unique.  They are extraordinary relationships.

The Bittersweet End of Camp Cotillion
The Bittersweet End of Camp Cotillion

I recently traveled to California and was with friends and family who I had not seen in years.  We talked a lot about camp.  My uncle and cousins said at one point “ We get it.  We are camp people.”  Until you have been to camp, until camp has defined who you are, you cannot totally comprehend the degree of depth that overnight camp has on an individual.

Jumping off the Dragon Fly to Zip and Soar
The Dragon Fly to Zip and Soar

And now the sun sets earlier, September is upon us.  This fall brings anew for us all.  New school year, new teachers, some have new homes and communities.  But we have our best self, stashed inside.  Like a treasure in our pocket, we can bring our inner strength and our inner sunshine to this new season and these new experiences.  We will never be the same again, we grow and we change and with that is the hope that we are our best selves because in part of who we became at camp.  At our Camp Runoia…our home away from home.

I find that I take myself home, to Camp Runoia, almost daily.  I hum along to songs and think about the sound of the lake and the green of the giant ferns.

Each Campfire Lights Anew
Each Campfire Lights Anew

“…Dip, dip and swing them back…Flashing with silver…follow the wild goose flight…dip, dip and swing…” — Hum along through the changing seasons … and be your best self on whatever adventure this fall brings.

Kyleigh – Camp Runoia Associate Director

Runoia – A Bittersweet Ending

The end is always bittersweet.

We like to think of the end as a new beginning. Campers and counselors alike take new skills with them to school and work and life. They cherish new friendships, some that will last a lifetime. Canoeing, sailing, swimming under the sun – those skills will last forever. The counselor who did something caring and thoughtful at a time that a camper needed it, a friend who helped another when they need help, that laughter, endless laughter that they can hear ringing in their ears… these glimpses and moments of summer are instants that weave into the tapestry of campers’ and counselors’ lives. DSC_0278 DSC_0066Cotillion is our final evening together. A night of tradition starting with processional singing It’s Blue and White, the teams sitting and facing each other in the Lodge, the awards and ribbons, points awarded and special moments of acknowledging accomplishments. The traditional game of #Hucklebucklebeanstalk to find the final scores of the season, the Bobos and cheers and tears, candle lit paths and the cotillion fireside singing.

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This night helps put a punctuation mark at the end of the chapter of the summer of 2015. With Runoia’s 110th summer coming up in 2016, a new chapter will be written.Bitter and sweet.  Bitter in the ending, sweet in the experience. Bitter in the goodbyes, sweet in the new friendships.

The end is bittersweet.