It’s a wrap!
We made a plan, we followed the plan, we had a successful summer.
Campers connected with other campers and adults who genuinely wanted to be working with children and providing a camp experience. We had an amazing health team including two doctors who helped us navigate the ever-changing landscaping of Covid protocols.
We ran a small camp, overstaffed with lots of competent, fabulous people. We started camp in small groups, expanding the size of our groups eventually into “neighborhoods” so campers could interact with different age groups and different people. We wore masks a lot at first and as our confidence grew about the overall health of our community, we were able to interact during outdoor play without masks. Girls got to do nearly every activity in camp including riding, ropes, waterskiing, baskets, arts & crafts, swimming, sailing, archery, canoeing, kayaking, riferly, windsurfing, volley ball, yoga, soccer, drama, evening programs, capture the flag,
skits and talent show and more.
Meal times were by neighborhood and were served by staff. Everyone wore masks in the food line and neighborhood groups lined up after washing hands in our new dining hall sink set up. We added capacity with outdoor seating under the big tent and often ate meals outside picnic style when the weather cooperated. A big shout out to our kitchen crew and other admin and staff who helped in the kitchen. It was hot and we wore masks and gloves all of the time. The food was comforting and the snacks at shacks were a fun twist for everyone.
The weather was amazing all summer with the lake temperature getting up to 82 degrees by August. We had a few fun summer thunderstorms just to keep it real. Sunsets did not disappoint. Many an evening ended with girls enjoying the fresh air outside while glancing up at the evening sky. By August, dusk came early and we spotted the Big Dipper, Cassiopeia, the North Star and a lovely waxing moon early the month.
Our mail was delivered by the mail boat on Great Pond. And the no-package policy was a help to Runoia staff with all the pieces to manage, we got a break from packages. Campers enjoyed daily showers at their assigned time and everyone in camp helped to pick up after themselves and clean up after themselves. Life skills learned by all!
Kudos to our staff who remained on campus for nearly 6 weeks to help create this “camp bubble” of safety. It was a summer we will never forget. And now as we close up camp for 2020 we are already planning for 2021. Registration will be open by August 25. Meanwhile, here are the camp dates for 2021 to start planning for next year!