Did you make resolutions for 2019?
At this time of year conversation often turns to what resolutions people are making for the New Year. A fresh start as the year changes fills us with a new sense of purpose and commitment. Gym membership’s increase as health, fitness and weight loss goals usually top people’s lists. Sadly as we often know too well once February rolls around the best laid plans have often fallen by the wayside as the reality of life sets in and our commitment was really just on paper with little passion for it in our hearts.

While having a bucket list of things you want to accomplish in the next year can be exciting, setting realistic attainable goals may be far more rewarding and lead to more gratification. Check out this article for creating your own SMART goals. Perhaps we don’t need to do something completely new in 2019 because honestly even suggesting that I’m going to go to the gym 3 times a week is just laughable! A re-commitment to an activity that makes us happy or continued participation in a class or group that we enjoy or even just agreeing to meet a friend once a month for coffee may be enough.

Why start something new when repeating experiences has great value? As we know from repeated overnight camp experiences at Camp Runoia , solidifying skills and building on relationships, embracing the familiar and allowing ourselves to be in a comfortable place allows us all to grow. We work with campers each summer to set new goals and focuses for their camp experiences. Even though the location may be the same each season is always different and has it’s own unique challenges and successes.
Maybe we don’t need a fancy list of resolutions just a focus on what engages us in the present makes us happy and helps us to continue growing as a person. We hope that a Camp Runoia summer is on your daughter’s bucket list and look forward to helping her to achieve her goals.
We are excited for our 2019 Camp Runoia season and wish you all a very Happy New Year.