Patience is apparently a virtue of which Mainers require an excessive amount. Spring while allegedly here on the calendar has yet to truly arrive in person.
I write on a day when once again snowflakes are falling from the sky and the ground is still covered in a good amount of the white stuff. The lakes are still frozen and while there are signs that spring is on the way it still seems like weeks until the grass will be green and the leaves are on the tress.
March came in and went out like a lion this year and it will be April snow showers that hopefully bring May or perhaps they will be June flowers.
While it would be easy to complain the general feeling is one of anticipation and even excitement. There are pussy willows to be spotted along the sides of the roads. Those days when the temperature’s get over 40 seem balmy and call for picnics on the porch and even shorts! The days are longer and there are many more birds singing in the trees and geese flying back overhead this time on their way north. Many a bet is being placed on when the ice will be out on local lakes and generally people are upbeat and hopeful for the new season ahead.

Every day at our house there is talk of camp. How many weeks to go? Will the lake warm up quickly? When can we open up our camp house? Who needs new uniform ordering? Is school almost over?
We cannot wait to see all of our Camp Runoia family and reconnect and embrace the new people that will be joining us. One of the great things about spring in Maine is how quickly it turns into summer; we just have to make it through mud season first!
See you in June!