Greetings from Camp Runoia!
Camp is in full swing now, with our second block schedule keeping us all busy this week. We have had two full block sessions now, three days each, giving the girls plenty of time to learn new skills, make new friends and become SUGs (Stand Up Gals).
At Camp Runoia we teach the girls how to be the best they can be, and part of that is looking out for each other, or being a Stand Up Gals, aka SUGs. From helping a friend find their way to a new class, or picking up trash when they pass by it, we hope all our gals will look out for one another and build lifelong skills doing it.

On Sunday we had our first all camp Sunday Fun Day, where we don’t have regular lessons, we get to sleep in and even go to breakfast in our pajamas! We got into small teams in the morning and played sports all over camp but then the rain hit, and we moved indoors for more fun. The Junior and Senior Ends played two rousing game of Scatagories.
Every night our camp gets together to be involved in Evening Program (EP). One night we had Country Creation; shack groups came up with a country name, designed a flag, made up a dance or song, what their country was best known for and more. The creativity and out-of-the-box thinking were amazing! Another night was Counselor Hunt where we had all the counselors hide around camp and the campers had to find them– The more creative the spot, the more points the counselors were worth.
This Thursday is the 4th of July, a big celebration here at camp. Our hard-working CIT’s (Counselors in Training) oversee planning and implementing all the amazing activities. We can’t wait! It’s a big part of the CIT’s summer and we are all very excited to see what the day will bring! Tune in next week to find out all about the 4th of July festivities and more in our next blog!
By: Tess May