Smart phones and social media keep us connected in our fast paced world. We know that younger and younger kids have access to constant media use and switching it off for a few weeks of camp can be a challenge for all of us. Fear of missing out (FOMO) is a very real affliction for many who are used to a constant stream of updates and notifications telling them what everyone they are connected to is up to at any given moment. Added into the Oxford Dictionary in 2013, FOMO is defined as “anxiety that an exciting or interesting event may currently be happening elsewhere, often aroused by posts seen on a social media website.”
There is a great deal of scientific and social research about how FOMO has become a rel phenomenon in our current society. For an interesting read check out this article from Psychology Today.
Appreciation and mindfulness for the moment that we are in can generate great satisfaction. It may be hard initially to turn off our brains to wondering what our friends and family are up to while we are at Camp Runoia but once we get into the busy days of camp life, the outside world becomes more of a blur. At camp we learn to be present in the moment, to engage with the people around is, to not worry what others are up to or even what is going on in the outside world. Fortunately camp is generally exciting and interesting! There is always something going on and a wide variety of people to connect with. We learn to enjoy and relish living in our Runoia bubble

Parents, family and friends can really help their campers adjust to camp life by sending letters and emails that are encouraging and ask questions about camp life. Making life at home sound really boring and not listing a bunch of fun things that have been going on while their camper has been gone really helps too.
Camp is where all the action is in the summer and when we are living in the thick of it we definitely don’t feel like we are missing out on anything and are so sad to see it come to an end.