Today’s trending topic on Twitter is #EncourageEveryoneIn4Words or in four words: Encourage in Four Words. With a definition of “Offer up a few words (four to be exact) to give your friends a little extra boost.”
We can think of a lot of ways camp gives people an extra boost but here is one of our favorites:
And a timeless award winning four word bit of happiness:

But when you think about it, if we thought of camp itself in these sound bites, what would be say:
Camp Gives Children Lifeskills
Campers Make Great People (substitute: Workers, Parents, Partners, Co-Workers, Citizens, Businesswomen, Scientists, Thinkers – the list goes on and on).
Encourage everyone in four words is a fun way to start the week. We are big fans that something so small has to do with encouragement. We also know that leads to people being clever and funny and silly and smart and taking it all to another level. We like that, too! Why not?
The bigger question we leave you with is “what four words would you use to encourage?”
Have Fun With It!