By Kyleigh
A #Runoiagal – She is adventurous, but cautious. She is intelligent and she is full of inquisition. She loves to laugh. She likes to explore. She appreciates herself. She cares for the world and her family and friends.
In just a few short weeks, we are going to welcome “home” many experienced Runoia Gals and many new.
Together we will make magic happen!

Here is a poem written from one of the youngest campers this year at Runoia. She is beyond excited to come to camp and meet new friends, try new activities, gain autonomy in her physical and emotional abilities. And she is beyond excited to smell the moss and kiss the horses!
I thought I saw nothing…
But it might have been something.
I saw something blue,
But it could also be black
With big white clouds
All the blue connects
Big Beautiful sky!
Where birds fly everyday
I thought I saw nothing…
but it might have been something.
Trees swaying in the wind
The wind smells like the moss and flowers
I am the forest!
Big beautiful forest!
Where birds rest in nests every day.
Here is to all the Runoia Gals that ever have been and ever will be!