This week: Diversity and a continued commitment to youth development
Another week and yet another opportunity for professional development right here in Maine with a another amazing, national level speaker . This weeks workshop was presented by Maine Summer Camps, the consortium of Maine camps that comes together to ‘support and promote meaningful developmental, educational, environmental, and recreational experiences for children.’ Camp Runoia is a long time and active member of this group and is always keen to participate in any opportunities that promote further growth and learning.
Unlike many industries the Maine summer camp community is invested in working together to provide the best camping opportunities for all children. We are a diverse group for sure so it was particularly fitting that our workshop speaker was Niambi Jaha- Echols.

An expert in ‘cross cultural agility’ Niambi’s focus was about inclusion, diversity and our unique position as an industry to create diversely rich communities that value everyone equally. We were lucky enough to work with Niambi last year at our Runoia staff training and this was a great reminder of our commitment to all girls and to creating a truly diverse community where everyone is valued.
It is always interesting to network with other camp professionals, to discuss common factors and also learn from our differences. There are so many different ways to provide the camping experience and there truly are camps that best suit the needs of every child. By opening our doors as widely as we can and staying true to our goals and missions we can build relationships and connections among groups of people who may never come into contact.
Highly recommended is the ‘Seeing White‘ podcast series that challenges our perceptions and calls us to true action.
At Camp Runoia we try our best to challenge ourselves to grow and develop, to meet the needs of the changing world that we work and live in and to provide as many girls as possible with an exceptional overnight camp experience. We are always open to hearing comments and opinions of others, to rethinking the way we approach things and to recommitting to our goals and mission.