Our Community Partnerships
We are very lucky to have in our local area some great organizations that fit well with Camp Runoia’s mission and philosophy. These local groups are always willing to support our camp program and share their expertise and knowledge with our staff and campers. There are many benefits to be gained by enhancing our regular camp program utilizing local expertise.
Through the Maine Lakes Resource Center in Belgrade Lakes we have had the benefit of nature experts on our local area hikes. They also provide educators to talk about Maine’s natural history and provide some great Chewonki animal presentations that our younger campers attend. It is a great place to stop by if you are in town.
The Belgrade Regional Conservation Alliance provides us with access to a great deal of local land in conservation easement. With a focus on water quality and watershed protection we are happy to learn from them about preserving the fantastic quality of our lake and are proud owners of the Lake Smart award.
Hardy Girls Healthy Women based in nearby Waterville is dedicated to the health and well being of girls and women.
Pam has previously served on the board for HGHW helping to ensure that all girls, everywhere get the best empowerment opportunities. HGHW has designed a curriculum specifically to use with girls at camp.
The partnerships go both ways; our CIT’S volunteer at the kids table for Lake Day, we support lake protection initiatives and milfoil eradication work and do as much as we can to engage with securing the future of our local area.
Partnerships make our community stronger and help our girls to feel more connected to the place that is their summer home away from home.