What Keeps You Up at Night?

Are you plagued with thoughts like, “Are my children getting the best education? Are they eating right? How is plastic affecting my child’s health? What about the bullies that plague her life – what if she is the bully? Who is she texting on her cell phone and why does she have to sleep with said cell phone?!” Undoubtedly, the list goes on. Fortunately, a lot of professionals are writing and weighing in on some of your concerns and here are links for everyday life and a good night sleep:

Rachel Simmons with a series of “Real Girl Tips” including: the disadvantage of taking criticism too personally “Your Teacher Doesn’t Hate You” plus she has children and teens writing on her website with sound bites your daughter may like to log onto.

Normal Conflict or Bullying? From Stephen Wallace’s article Susquehanna University Press: This article, specifically titled for the past holiday season, has many tips and signs of bullying which you may find helpful to explore:http://www.susqu.edu/academics/41181.asp

Are you feeling politically charged after the holidays and seeing all the junk marketed to girls? Are you outraged by young girls’ clothing and what’s being marketed to them? Hardy Girls Healthy Women is helping girls to recognize “the sexualization of girls in the media” – seven year old thongs emblazoned with “I love Rich Boys” and Marc Jacob’s perfume for girls: Oh, Lola! Don’t fear (too much), HGHW is doing something about it. Learn more about activism opportunities for your daughter (and you) at www.hghw.org

If you’ve reflected on our blog from last month (now on our website: www.runoia.com) you will feel great about your choices by reading from Psychology Today’s December issue online about how summer camp creates an advantage in college: http://my.psychologytoday.com/blog/smores-and-more/201112/creating-advantage-in-college

And can feel even better by reading Russell Roeder’s editorial “Best Gift for Kids” in the Pennlive news:http://www.pennlive.com/editorials/index.ssf/2011/11/best_gift_for_kids_send_them_t.html?mid=5409

If you’re still here, reading this blog, and worried about how this is all going to come together, have a little fun with yourself by reading Katherine Ozment’s article in Boston Magazine, December issue, “Welcome to the Age of Overparenting, How I learned to let my kids be kids.”

And, above all, get a good night sleep in 2012!


Posted in: Current News